Mysterious increase in temperature

18 Jun 2007
Until about an hour ago, my graphics card was hitting 61* under load. Now it can top up to 77, even with stock speeds. Any ideas what could be causing this?

Edit: Whoops, wrong section. Still is related to cooling though :P
Nope, all the fans are fine. Including the one on the graphics card itself.

The card is idling at 49 degrees.
dun said:
Yep, and you haven't put the heating on or something have you? It sounds daft but bit odd to explain if you have checked the normal problems inside the computer itself.
Check for dust
Check the fan is at 100% or whatever it is usually
Check the fan is free spinning and not being hindered by a cable or other random crap.
Check the ambient temperature
Check the motherboard and cpu temps see if they have risen.

Nope, temperature in room is still 21 degrees.
Checking in a second :)
It was originally only at 35%, since moved it up to 100% to no avail.
Not being hindered, that was the first thing I checked.
Ambient temperature is fine.
They've not risen.

NB has been feeling a bit hot lately.. how hot should it be?
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