N64 - Is it worth buying one now?

12 May 2005
I was thinking of buying an N64, along with Mario 64 and a few other games, but am not certain if its worth the cash...

I never owned one before, and never really got to enjoy them. I dont know if I left it to late though to make it worth it?
Dark_Angel said:
I was thinking of buying an N64, along with Mario 64 and a few other games, but am not certain if its worth the cash...

I never owned one before, and never really got to enjoy them. I dont know if I left it to late though to make it worth it?
i have one on the MM with mario 64 and all the gubbins for £15 delivered, look me up.
I have one with Mario 64, Diddy Kong, Zelda, Mario Kart, etc and its a great console. Diddy just rocks on two player! I just need Goldeneye now.
Man, Goldeneye is the best FPS there ever was on a console, so much fun, for so many hours \o/ And the multi player... man I want my N64 and golden eye again :(
EezerGoode said:
Best console ever I think.
For it's top titles alone, possibly. Unfortunately though, once you got past Mario 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and the rest of the top quality games, what remained was pretty darn shabby. There were maybe a couple of underrated or not-to-everyones-taste titles, but otherwise the games were almost universally dire or uninspired. It was a real shame, but no third-party developer really seems to give the N64 the attention it deserved.
Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, No Mercy

People should look back at what it takes to make an infinately supurb multiplayer game.
NokkonWud said:
Get the Wii, you will be able to get all the classic games for that and have a brand spanking new console too.
Except that you won't get Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie or Tooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, or potentially any of the other third-party games. So far we only know for sure that Nintendo first-party games will be included, and that any and all Rare games most likely won't.
Weebull said:
Except that you won't get Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie or Tooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, or potentially any of the other third-party games. So far we only know for sure that Nintendo first-party games will be included, and that any and all Rare games most likely won't.
They were in a list of confirmed titles weren't they? Sure I saw them in a list!
Nintendo had shares of 50% (atleast) in all those games, so they belong to Nintendo.
NokkonWud said:
They were in a list of confirmed titles weren't they? Sure I saw them in a list!
Nintendo had shares of 50% (atleast) in all those games, so they belong to Nintendo.
Really? Got any links at all?

Last I read all Rare games were almost certinaly out, and Goldeneye definitely was because EA owns the rights to the film's name now. Would be a very happy man if this wasn't the case though.
I'm sure someone posted a list here.

I remember kicking off because Super Star Wars wasn't one of the games on the list. GoldenEye and Perfect Dark were definitely 2 though.
Hmm, found the thread you were on about: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17524267

Fantastic if true, but I'm still skeptical, especially since there's no link. Like I said, I'm sure there were copyright issues over Goldeneye at the very least.

EDIT: In fact, it looks a whole lot like this list, which appears to be nothing more than a wish-list of games, not a certainty in the slightest.
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