N73 release date

BoomAM said:
So why is it that i keep hearing stories that the N series doesnt allow you to txt while doing something else. For example, listening to music?
I hear a lot of reports of the N series lack of multitasking abilites. Which i thought was odd, as my 7610 was allways fine with it...?

I work with the N series phones everyday and I can definitely say that whoever told you that really doesn't know what they are talking about... I have not once seen any software build on any of the N-Series phones that I have worked on that suffer from not being able to text while having other applications open

You can have many applications open at the same time and to swap between them then you just hold down the applications key to bring up the application swap list.

You can have music on while texting, heck even have the radio on if you wanted to. The one thing that they can't do is have two instances of an application opened at the same time. (there is a way to get the 'same' application opened multiple times but why anyone would ever want to, I have no idea) For example you can have 4 instances of 'Music Player' (only one of them is the true music player application, the others are the embedded software from the Messaging Centre, File manager & Media Gallery) open
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Tunney said:
Do you have a link to any of the stories? It sounds very odd. :)
Tbh, i cant remember the exact sites, but i remember reading it whilst i was googling for W850, W950 & N80 reviews. It was on one of the 'bigger' phone sites though. :)

Smit said:
You can have many applications open at the same time and to swap between them then you just hold down the applications key to bring up the application swap list.
You see that i know.
I thought it was an odd thing to say in a review when my old 7610 could multitask. I thought it strange that they would remove the 'feature'.
Guys what kind of price do you think I will realistically be able to bargin o2 down to on the n73 as an upgrade when my contract runs out? The contract ends in August, and the n73 is on O2s page as coming in august so hopefully a quick upgrade will be possible, but will I be able to get it for less than £200?
I'd expect it's price to be similar to the N70. Probably up to £100 on contract when first released, falling to free after a few months.
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