ND Grads - Hard or Soft?

3 Sep 2003
Looking to order a set of ND Grads soon (probably go for Hi-Tech ND Grads as they aren't that much more expensive than Cokin or Kood grads).

Not sure whether it would be best to go for hard edged or soft edged grads. With the crop factor of the camera being 1.5 would a hard edge be more like a soft edge? Also what strengths should I go for?

Thanks in advance!
Depends on what you shoot more. If its irregular horizons (hills, valleys etc) then id probably go soft. I use a soft 3 stop Lee filter, but in situations where I rememewber to use it I find its not quite enough, so id probably go 4 stop if I was to buy again. However if you shoot lots of seascapes or very flat landscapes then go hard edged. Either that or save your money and do exposure blending.
Oh that sound interesting MK

Could you go into more detail about exposure blending?

I presume one exposure for sky, one for the hills (let's say) and then what in PS?


Oh that sound interesting MK

Could you go into more detail about exposure blending?

I presume one exposure for sky, one for the hills (let's say) and then what in PS?



Take a picture exposed for the land. Take a second picture exposed for the sky. Combine in Photoshop using layers masks. Google "layer masks" for a bajillion guides on how to apply them.
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I'd get the grad filter, relying on blends isn't always an option especially on windy days as things move even in the very short time bettween exposures which can result in some horrible results.

I'm not saying blending is a bad thing allthough I would say avoid HDR'ing every shot you take to death it's just there are times when the filter will let you get images that you would otherwise have failed to capture.
What do you think of this:

ND Grad Filter 85mm Density: 0.9 Grad: Soft £12.77
ND Grad Filter 85mm Density: 0.6 Grad: Hard £12.77
ND Filter 85mm Density: 1.2 £12.77
Front Screw Adaptor - Plastic ...Option: 52mm £4.68
Plastic Holder Option: 3 Slot £5.96
That seems pretty cheap, which brand are they?

Another thing to watch out for is that a 3 slot holder will be quite chunky so if you're using a wide lens then it might get in the shot.
I never managed to find a use for the soft ones on a cropped sensor body. Hard worked very well. Then again I use them mostly on straight horizons and prefere to blend in photoshop when the horizon is complex.
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