Nearly killed on the way to work?

19 Jul 2004
Shoreham by Sea
Ok... So maybe its a slight exageration but it certainly wakes you up when the truck just ahead of you kicks up a lump of concrete the size of a grapefruit and it flys over your car and bounces over the car behind you >.<

What other interesting objects have people had fly over their cars? :p
I've had a mudflap fall off a Micra in front of me and smack me on the windscreen.

Once was going down the motorway and there was a caravan in front of me, I was just about to overtake and literally was almost alongside when it flipped over right next to me, that was definitely a bit scary as it took the car with it too.
Phal said:
What other interesting objects have people had fly over their cars? :p

the bonnet of the car i was following. perhaps the only incident where being too close to the vehicle in front saved an accident happening.

a lucky escape there mate. Have you reported the problem with the road surface?
Not exactly bad, but some little twerp shot my first car with an air rifle, I at first though he threw a stone, pulled over and ran after him, he dropped the rifle and pegged it.
12 year old skinny kids run fast than 17 year old built smokers though :(
I was on the way back from Kettering and no joke, was mildly alarmed when a 12 foot christmas tree appeared out of nowhere in the middle lane coming towards me at 70.

That required some evasive action and a half!

2nd time was when a skip lorry dumped a load of 1" diameter foot long aluminium cylinders over the road, I was swerving all over the place trying to brake and avoid the damned things without piling into oncoming cars or those behind, unfortunately one still snagged and popped the car a good few inches in the air, had the scar on the chassis to prove it! :eek:
I was overtaking on the outside lane of the M4, with an Audi estate flashing his lights and sitting on my bumper.

The car ahead of me swerved into the middle lane, there was a massive exhaust section sat in the middle of the lane. I moved over when safe to do so. Mr Audi behind me had no idea it was there, as he was literally in my boot.

BANG - lodges under the sump of his car, and he grinds to a halt slowly stuck in the outside lane.

Oh how i laughed.
Had a wheel nut ricochet off my windscreen (after being kicked up by a car infront) whilst heading up the M40; that scared the Bejesus out of me. Nothing much else.
Malt_Vinegar said:
I moved over when safe to do so.
Oh how i laughed.


episode 1
was going down the M5, the car in front of me, towing a tiny trailer holding some wooden fences (6ft high, maybe 7/8ft wide).

now he obviously decoded that rope was an inconvience too far, so as hes driving along, a gust of wind must have got under the top fence.

cue freakishly flipping hunk of fencing @ 70MPH with traffic flying all over the place....

episode 2
on A45 near coventry, a bird comes straight across and hits the van in front, bouces off and lands on my bonnet....dead :(

episode 3
was parked up in a shopping centre (Fort in bham) get in open the windows and move out of my parking space and the biggest bee comes in and sits on the steering wheel....:eek: i slowly reversed back in and got out of the car..:D. saw a bee (not the same one sadly) fly off from the wing mirror and get back into the car, closed windows and started driving, maybe 2 minutes and turn the wheel, brushed my hand against something..and then hear what can only be decribed as furious buzzing....the bee had only moved to the back of the steering wheel and had been sat there!!! anyway, it was very very upset...! i opened the window whilst it started banged against the windscreen and then made its way to my drivers window, which i managed to open whilst leaning as far back as possible....

phew that was a close one...!
Was in the outside lane and the car infront kicked up a golf ball sizes stone which I saw heading straight for my windowscreen. Couldn't move into the middle lane and it was just a company car so just sat there watching it come straight at me thinking "Oh ****!".

Bounced off leaving a nice chip/crack. Handed the keys back to the owner, "Urm sorry!" :p
bandit said:
episode 3
was parked up in a shopping centre (Fort in bham) get in open the windows and move out of my parking space and the biggest bee comes in and sits on the steering wheel....:eek: i slowly reversed back in and got out of the car..:D. saw a bee (not the same one sadly) fly off from the wing mirror and get back into the car, closed windows and started driving, maybe 2 minutes and turn the wheel, brushed my hand against something..and then hear what can only be decribed as furious buzzing....the bee had only moved to the back of the steering wheel and had been sat there!!! anyway, it was very very upset...! i opened the window whilst it started banged against the windscreen and then made its way to my drivers window, which i managed to open whilst leaning as far back as possible....

phew that was a close one...!


i had one once where i was coming up to a dual carriageway behind an arctic tipper truck and was building up speed to be able to overtake up a hill ie dropped back and built my speed up so i could overtake him maybe 20mph quicker (60ish as he was going 40) when as soon as i got near him where it splits into 2 lanes all of a sudden smoke from the trailer wheels and for about 5 seconds i couldnt see ANYTHING. all i could do was slam my brakes on and when the smoke cleared i was about 3 foot from the back of his trailer. :eek: :eek: my how i **** myself! still dont know why he slammed his brakes on though, there was a filter lane next to it which was like a 3rd lane and i can only imagine someone pulled out of there and moved in front of the truck.
lol, some of these are good! :D

Nothing exciting has happened to me yet I'm afraid. No mass swerving required :p
I've watched a wheel leave an HGV's trailer, bounce, hit a car* on the opposite carriageway(!) and then missed my BM by an inch.

It was the A50 outside Uttoxeter about 2 days after I'd bought it!

Damn near soiled my pants! :o :D

*he was OK, his Xantia was not.
I also remember when I was 14-15 or so coming back from going kayaking with some friends etc.

We finally got back to where we lived ( 15-mile drive or so ) to find someone flashing us from behind ( it was hard to see because the driver was towing a trailer with 6 kayaks on and it was daylight )

Anyway, it turns out the guy had been driving along behind us when one of the plastic kayaks fell off the trailer because it hadnt been tied on properly. Luckily since it was plastic, it bounced quite nicely and bounced over this dudes car and into the nearby ditch lol :| That certainly must have been interesting :p to have a huge yellow plastic thing fly over you :|
2 foot metal pole at 70mph whacked my bonnet then hit my wing mirror and smashed the guys window behind me a month odd ago.

Its damn scary when its that close. :(
Not me but I was in my mates car and we were behind this lorry and a piece of metal(about 30cm,square shaped) fell out of the back and was literally inches away from my mates car,was scary stuff.Obviously my mate went berserk.
Had a crow hit headlight on old cavalier while doing 60-70, made hell of a thump and dislodged headlight on the car.

On the brightside the crow did regret it and has never flown, walked or even moved since :p
First time i hired a car, i had 2 not so enjoyable experience's in the space of 4 miles. I was on the motorway(in the outside lane) overtaking a car when i noticed the driver was stunning. So when i passed her i looked at her in the mirror(not a good thing to do at 70ish). When i looked back at the road i saw a car had broke down in front of me!! I slammed the anchors on and swerved across 3 lanes (no abs) and the car started fishtailing. Still don't know how i managed to hold it! Carried on, trying to calm down. Thought to myself "thats it 60 rest of the way home, no lookin anywhere other than the road". Cue incident no 2!!
About 3 miles further on i was sitting at 60 in the inside lane, when a 5 series touring overtook me. It had 2 bikes on the back. Suddenly they moved and then fell off. First one struck the road, bounced and flew over the top of the car. Second one flew by my side window.
I was shakin like a leaf now, so first opertunity i was off the motorway stopped the car, and sat there for a good hour getting my nerves back.
I should point out that i had just passed my test a year and had done no driving since passing.
Big wake up call that day!!
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