It seems that backlight bleed was cured for another happy camper of this monitor, after 9 days. Here is the original transcription:
Now, I'm quite positive that ADV is not able to hide that much the backlight bleed. Even when it's ON it should be visible, but probably less.Look, Ma - no backlight bleed anymore!
Doom 3 arrived from Play yesterday (on offer for 8 quid), but I didn't bother installing it. I'm not a huge fan, but I picked it up because it was cheap. (Same went for Quake 4). I installed it this morning, added the 1.3 patch and fired it up.
"Wait a minute... something's different, here", I thought. I had been dreading the appearance a bit, because it's well known as one of the darkest of games. But in every corner, especially the bottom left (exactly like kengenes & Agtx had), there was absolutely no trace of any backlight bleed. None. Just a deep, deep black - like when the monitor's switched off!
I've had the monitor 9 days, now - a bit longer than it took for some of the other owners' to recede. But I'm very happy that it has!
The only thing I can think is, going through the OSM again yesterday, I saw the "Advanced DV mode" was off. (Funny, I could've sworn I turned it on a week or so back). Anyway, I turned it on and thought no more about it - I just played Civ 4 yesterday evening, which isn't a dark game.
I've just sat through the HL1 opening sequence to double-check (I first noticed the backlight bleed problem with HL1 last week). Now, it looks just like Doom 3 does - blacker than black. None more black. Black all the way up to 11.
I have no idea if the ADV mode on/off made a difference or not, but it may be worth checking if you have some bleeding