Need a none smartphone phone

28 Feb 2011
Hi im lookin for a none smartphone phone am wantin 2 know if the LG Viewty Snap is a smartphone, or have any ideas of a none smartphone seems that there all smarts in shops :confused::confused:

Thanks for any repleys :)
I guess the next big question is whether you want a touchscreen or normal key phone. If you want a touchscreen then there is no reason not to get a basic smartphone over a non smartphone specifically, just get one you like, it doesn't need to be used like a smartphone.

if you want a traditional keyboard phone then that is different.
OP wants a non-smartphone.........sounds like a [smart] plan

i went from an android phone to a samsung C3050 which has to be the best of the non-smartphones. it costs all of £25, battery lasts a week and you can make calls and send texts on it. also it looks pretty nice (much nicer than all the other ones at this end), it is small, got a basic but clear colour screen, light weight and it is solidly built. after 6ish months of owenership it has taken loads of abuse, been dropped, chewed (by 1 year old teething baby), dunked in a few puddles and so on and it is still fine. the only damage is a small crack on the screen after a flying leap onto some rocks and the actual body is pretty resistant to scratches.

so to sum up the Samsung C3050, is not only one of the cheapest but best non-smartphones imo

if you want to spend more then you may as well get a smart phone or android phone
The difference being......? :p

Took the words right out of my mouth (or in this case, keyboard).

you are being a tad pedandic, the world may or may not revolve around android lol:p, but, symbian and other smart/smartesq OSs are available.

for example, you can get the cheap nokia symbian (C2/C3/5230) series phones from about £50-£60 or even the LG Viewty / Samsung Monte / blackberry copy type of phones which are more smartphone than dumbphone.

in my view once you spend more than £30-£40 you may as well up the spend and get a smartphone since there are very few low end non-smartphones phones worth having these days. Sony Ericsson used to do some decent normal handsets with good cameras but they seem to have dried up as well now.

the LG optimus me android phone comes in at £60 ish which isn't bad atm. the samsung galaxy europa (android) is only £50 on 3 payg.
I don't see how that is being pedantic, smartphone is an extremely broad term that almost all modern phones fall under, including Android, iPhone, many Symbian phones, etc.

I know what you meant, I just thought it was a tiny bit amusing (but I didn't think it was worth posting about until someone else noticed it too :)).
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