Need a quickish comfortable car.. what options?

18 Oct 2002
Wellington, NZ
Hi, well i'm starting my uni placement tomorrow and have been thinking most of the week about getting another car. I'd want it sooner rather than later though (as mine is too noisy plus I want some toys) so am considering finance.

1st question, is there anything I should be aware of about finance apart from the obvious (APR etc) I will hopefully be finished with the payments by the end of the placement (about a year). I really don't want to spend more than 7k either.

Right onto my requirements;

Solid nice looking interior
Nice looking exterior
Quick (quicker than my current 6.5ish if possible)
MPG not really an issue as long as it's not ridiculous (ie <20)
Would like some toys (trip comp, few random features etc)
May consider a diesel

I've had a quick look on auto trader and some high mile CTR's were around 5k in good condition privately, so i'd expect dealers to be @ couple of thousand more? Probably out of reach for anything reasonable.

Also been looking at *gulp* clio 172's, now I like the performance of mine but what about reliability etc? Have the never ones come a long way as the comfort and electronics of mine are crap.

Also been told about a diesel Leons but no really looked into those. So what's the best I could do with my budget?

Quick (quicker than my current 6.5ish if possible)
MPG not really an issue as long as it's not ridiculous (ie <20)

pick one or the other.
Why is that necessary? I'm not going to be abusing it everywhere, mainly motorway. If my mate can get 26MPG in his Astra VXR why can't I get that in a lesser performing car?
Clarkey said:
Quick (quicker than my current 6.5ish if possible)
MPG not really an issue as long as it's not ridiculous (ie <20)

pick one or the other.

Don't be so stupid, there are absolutely loads of cars which do 0-60 in 6 seconds and do more than 20mpg. There is more to the world of performance cars than the horribly thirsty 300ZX.

Although I don't think his current Clio does it in 6.5. More like 7.something.
Yeah LCR is well out of range for anything decent unfortunately as I quite like them.

Even though the clio has the big wheels and fibreglass kit, it is also fully stripped which you probably didn't know ;) Just want something a bit more comfortable and practical now.

The 172's seems quite cheap for 02/03 at around 5-6k with FSH? Just not sure about reliability though.
I bet it still doesn't do 6.5 but thats not what this thread is about.

Clio 172 won't do 6.5 either, but it's certainly a good choice.
probably right then, I'll time it before I get rid.

Anyways the 172 has a broad price range, don't really like the look of the older ones, like the look of the newer ones but heard they have gearbox issues?

Not looked at Focus but they seem quite slow.. 406 hmm, undecided on looks unless it's very new which will probably be out of my price range. Scoob don't like the interiors of the early ones and I think they are very poor on fuel which is a problem.
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I might have got my wires crossed, but do you want to borrow £7,000 over a year? that's gonna set you back about £650 a month :eek:
hi,yeah I was doing some sums earlier and it would be too much of my wage.

However I haven't accounted for the deposit which will be the sale of my car and whatever student loan I get. May have to set my sights a bit lower though if I want to be comfortable money wise at the end of each month.

The 172's are coming in at 5,000 or less for some really nice examples on 02 plate!
It's a 3" magnex, not exactly loud. It's just traveling on the motorway @ 4000RPM with no soundproofing, and not the best comfort.
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