Need an economical car for £1500, focus sized at the very least and not so slow it'll make me want t

7 Dec 2002
Hi there, i'm in need of a decently sized car that'll be able to manage at least 45MPG, and be reliable for under £1500. I've already looked at the obvious things like Mondeo TDCI's, Pug 406 HDI110's etc

I'm after some suggestions for vehicles I may have missed or not thought of, i'd prefer to avoid anything made by Vauxhall or anything that can't pull the skin off a rice pudding like a Pug 406 HDI 90, i'd also prefer something made in the last 8 years or so.

I'm coming from a 1998 Rover 220SDi and whilst the performance and reliability were adequate, the constant rattling and the general lack of any kind of refinement made me hate it. Was hoping to replace the vehicle next year when funding would be a little easier but having my Rover written off last week means I can't wait no more :(

Any suggestions?.

Something with an HDI 110?
A Xsara With 20bhp more and less weight might just be able to pull that skin off..
Already got that suggestion covered thanks, theres gotta be more out there than Mondeos, Pug 406's and Vectras though?????

Ah, see! A Xsara never even entered my head!, Thanks :D

Indeed, although after reading the extensive amount of low budget 'spec me' threads, it usually does get the most reccommendations....
1500, good economy and speedy, less than 8 years old, refined, reliable, not a mondeo.

Good luck!
Can you not drop the MPG requirement?

I ask as a £1500 saloon car with an early commonrail engine is hardly a safe bet when it comes to reliability.
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