Need for speed Most Wanted : Blacklist Racers

18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
any1 know if the blank options are fixed or random ?

only reason i ask is, that i always choose them, after reading that you can get cash bonus or win the car you just beat. I finally got the car that i beat at blacklist 8 (the evo 8) but never before. Is it pre-determined that this is the only car that you can win ?

as i would really have liked the black cayman s from the previous guy, and that was even faster :D
I've won loads of cars.... cayman S is one of the only ones i didn't win lol.

I won the Mustang, golf, viper, corvette, lambo, mercedes, evo and 1 other car i've forgotten about. Currently on blacklist no 3.

So thats 8 out of 12, always choose 2 of the question marks... no idea if its random or fixed though.
i used to just pic 1 "?" and like a performance

now i always pick 2 "?" and for like 4 times ive found ive always got it, u either then get cash or get out of jail free or woteva so id just do that
funny tho, you never won any of the cars before the one ive just won, ie the Evo

and thats the golf, and i never bothered with that and took the backroom parts as my Pimped out Fiat Punto had that whacked :D
I found that normally the first marker is the pink slip, picked it 4 times and got the car, twice I haven't and didn't get the car. Missed out on getting the RX8, was gutted when it autosaved straight afterwards as i'd saved it before the races. Second marker for me is normally the performance upgrade, but i've got most of them now, so I may go for parts ones now.
I managed to get the RX8 - was dead chuffed as I am planning on sticking with it now through out the game :D
Noxis said:
I managed to get the RX8 - was dead chuffed as I am planning on sticking with it now through out the game :D
Exentia said:
got the rx8 of izzy i think, I just want my damn beamer back!!!:mad: and maybe the merc.
Mr Mister said:
ive won 3 pink slips by picking the first '?' and all 3 cash prizes using the 2nd '?' and ive only raced 3 blacklisters! Result!
:( I want the RX8, though I do have a Golf that can do 186, so it's not all bad.
Haven't played the game in ages but out of 7 blacklist races I won 5 or 6 motors. Think I got the RX8 but still used the Cayman S as it seemed better.
Creature said:
:( I want the RX8, though I do have a Golf that can do 186, so it's not all bad.

the cayman S used by blacklist racer 10 is tons better, its also better than the blacklist 9 (evo) and 8 (mustang) cars as well.

Ive currently got the Blacklist 9 evo with ultimate tires, nitrous and upgraded super pro transmission. Acceleration and top speed are 4 bars, handling is 5.
Yea, i've got the Cayman, didn't get the Evo :(. Got a Golf with most of Junkmans parts, and a Monaro with a Junkman super-charger and most pro things. Got a Supra and the Lexus aswell. Sticking with the Monaro at the moment as it beat the guys Evo fairly easily.
I've won most of em, sold all the tat off em, then sold the cars and pimped my Clio V6. Winner :p
I didn't win hardly any cars, I first went for the performance mod, then went and tried for the car afterwards. I bought the Porshe Caymen, and fully loaded it up, and added all the performace mods as well, it was faster than any car I raced on the Blacklist, but for the catchup mode, it would have been a walk in the park :)
I've moved up to Blacklist #5 and the Lambo you get from #6 seems pretty awesome, as it comes pre-fitted with a lot of "Ultimate" performance upgrades (which you can't buy until you beat #3 or something like that).

One thing I find a bit annoying with this game is the high bounty requirements to challenge your rivals, I find it very tiresome having to do long pursuits etc after already having done enough proper races. At least most of the speed trap thingys are quite easy.
Anyone got tips on how to evade the Heat Level 6 pursuit? I have been able to lose my immediate pursuers using pursuit breakers etc and start the cooldown process, but it takes ages to run down at level6 and I always seem to run into cops lying in wait round every corner, or spawning out of nowhere.

I know about using hiding spots etc but the trouble is I can't actually get to them before running into more cops.
The markers only randomize after lose a race to a blacklister and have to restart, or so i have found out, like it should be the middle ? for the 1st 4-5 balcklisters then it changes to the 1st ?, i know this because i was able to win without restarts for most of them and even if i didnt get the car when my brother played the ps2 version i told him to take the other marker and hey presto it was the pinkslip.
HangTime said:
I've moved up to Blacklist #5 and the Lambo you get from #6 seems pretty awesome, as it comes pre-fitted with a lot of "Ultimate" performance upgrades (which you can't buy until you beat #3 or something like that).

One thing I find a bit annoying with this game is the high bounty requirements to challenge your rivals, I find it very tiresome having to do long pursuits etc after already having done enough proper races. At least most of the speed trap thingys are quite easy.

I find the best way to do the bounty challenges is to just get on the highways and race the cops that way. I find it a lot more fun engaged in a high-speed persuit on the highway than in the inner-city areas, as well as being slightly easier to avoid road blocks.

If I remember correctly I'm now on blacklist #3 although I've grown a bit tired of the catch-up again.
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