Need help choosing phone/PDA

18 Oct 2002
I want to get a phone PDA for work and pretty unsure what to get.

I'm looking at the HTC/Orange SPV range and have pretty much ruled out the 5000 as its too big.

I need it for work so the usual PDA things - diary, schedules, emails, word and excel etc. Would also like it to do other things like satnav, music, video, internet etc.

Quite like the 2000 but its still a little bulky. As for the others in the range I really don't know. I need to get something with Microsoft operating system becuase it needs to be able to run vehicle diagnostic software.

Only other idea is to keep my existing phone and just get a dedicated PDA but then its a bit of a mine field for me which is going to be best - and probably another thread! :)

Certainly looks like it fits the bill!

Don't suppose anyone knows when this will be released and what sort of prices we are looking at?
Checking that thread, without contract its going to be about £500. Another forum seemed to suggest that orange were going to remove some of its features for reasons not made clear. The thinking there was that T-Mobile offered the best deal for this smartphone.

My current orange contract goes on till early next year. When its time to renew my phone contract I'll get work to pay for it and get this phone.

In the meantime, to get me used to using a phone/pda I was thinking of buying something like a M2000 of ebay and seeing how I get on with it. They seem cheap enough and at least I'm not forking out loads if it turns out I don't use it as much as I think I am.

I know someone who has the M600 which also seems pretty good although I wonder how awkward it is not having a keyboard as such. My biggest problem is that I just don't know the difference between models (500,600,1000,1500 etc etc )
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