Need help urgent Chipset Fan

23 Nov 2005

I think my chipset fan is about to die on me ive got an asus a8n-sli deluxe. Basically my problem is that the fan keeps on speeding up and slowing down and its also been making really wierd noises. Right now its spinning fine but as i said its making a lot of sound. And by just looking at it i can tell that it slows down and speeds up again. kinda sounds like a car revving its engine..

Can anyone tell me whats wrong should be in the process of ordering a new fan asap?
I just got my replacment fan from ASUS. However I did not put it on I opted for a Zalman passive cooler and that works a treat. Telephone Asus Uk and they will email you an order form.
and another question..say if does die out completely..can i still use my pc or should not use it till i get a replacement?
well really you dont want to be using it still as it isnt going to get suffiecent cooling i'd have thought.
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