Need major advice on server build

31 Jul 2015

A friend of mine is looking to build up a server to mainly host websites and games from. I have some experience with building normal gaming PC's but not touched a server. Having a quick look round it is not as easy as I expected.

At the moment he is looking at a Quad CPU Motherboard as have read you dont need to fill all slots as he wants plenty of room for improvement.

He is looking at getting the AMD's Opteron 6344 Processor's,
2 x 1TB Samsung 840 Evo's

Dont even know were to buy server grade stuff apart from amazon / ebay, had a look on OC but not much that i can see

Money ain't to much of an issue for him, his budget is around £2,000 short term for Quad MB and 2 cpu's to start then add more cpus / ram next month.

He wants to make web development a career, Mostly plays MC, I know can get cheap servers but also wants to throw any game at it when he pleases.
Cheers for all the input, think that he will be going ahead with looking for a duel socket MB now. He has no problem with building it himself, prefers it to than just buying off were is the fun in that :P
just need to fish through the amount of Server CPU's their are and find the best for use and budget
Having a look around, think may go for 2x AMD Opteron 6344 Abu Dhabi 2.6GHz CPU's. to go in a H8DGU-LN4F+ Supermicro Motherboard. then need to work out which RAM to get and storage, he is looking at getting a 3U case so allot of space for drives.
He also thinking of using it for video rendering
Just been discussing it with my friend and looking at that board over others is that it only has one pci-e slot, he plans on getting a RAID card so wont have any room for anything else....
Dont know what else you would put in them slots though tbh :P
other alternative would be the Asus KGPE-D16

both of these are quite old Motherboards though :/ surely their must be something more modern out??
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