need to know how to incorporate graphics into flash, or find a company to do it.

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11 Mar 2004
this is a request from a friend over msm, she has plenty of money but is new to the U.K. (she is american) and needs some graphical work doing. i will post her msm conversation and hopefully someone here can tell me what she needs as i dont have a clue.

this site that i am doing is looking like it's going to take up at least 1/2 a gig of parking space

im looking for a good production house for this to go a little bit faster so im not digging into adobe's tutorials all the time

im doing everything in dreamweaver as far as the coding goes

the intro to the site i need to run through a production house only because im not a flash wiz and so i can incorporate the graphics into flash video

im pretty much done with all the coding for the website

now i need to do a intro video to the site

im going to have andy morris with narcotic thrust do the mix for me on the audio

ive got all the code and more already plugged, not much more to do except wrap graphics

she lives in london, so any clues ?
nav... said:
she's been snorting too much coke tbh.

Sp00n said:
1/2 a gig? lol, she using bmp's?

robmiller said:
Oh wow her website is going to take 71 hours to download on 56k :cool:

are you people daft in the head? :confused:

most of that space is for the downloads incorporated into it. now if anyones got a serious answer instead of trying to take the **** out of a lady whos having to work whilst recovering from a brown recluse spider bite that nearly killed her, id be very happy to hear it.
Beansprout said:
I'd really suggest Googling for local companies and going from there as the best way forward :)

howdy beansprout, there are so many companys out there and so many areas of graphical design that i dont really have a clue what im looking for which was why i was hoping someone could at least point me in the right direction :)
Lagz said:
I cant help with the actual question, but maybe you should advise her that intro videos to websites are possibly the most annoying thing on the internet after pop ups.

its a corporate website, she works in marketing so its a product showcase for the companys new U.K. division.
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