
18 Sep 2005
Woah! Just wandered into my kitchen to find this staring at me - scared the bajeesus out of me!


So, seems like I have some new neighbours (he has a friend with him - but he's wearing a coat :\).

Any tips on shooting horsies? Not sure how long they're gonna be staying!
Get right up close, wide angle lens, carrots, f t w ;)



(excuse the image quality is was a snowy day and the light was awful)

EDIT: Sorry to post images in your thread without asking, how very rude of me! I'll take them down if you want?
No! I'm after shooting tips & inspiration, that's exactly what I want you to do!

As I say, I don't know how long they're gonna be sticking around, so the more the better! :D

Carrots : Check (I actually have far more than I can possibly eat - convenient!)
Wide lens : Check

Your images are great fun, gonna have to have a play :)
heh, well that didn't go too well - they're a bit frisky, and jump around too much for me to get anything much :\

I considered an elaborate remote release setup with my tripod // camera low down - but I don't feel safe doing that, as they stamp about a fair bit!

Bah, just have to keep on going out giving them carrots & hope they grow to like me :D

They make a fantastic crunching noise :D

Got this - meh

What's a horse doing in your kitchen anyway?
And won't you get in trouble if you start shooting horses... I think there was a song about that.
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