network bottleneck ? need an opinion

24 May 2011
want an second opinion on this

Got a Windows 2008 R2 virtual server running on a VM ESXi 4.1 host - using the virtual adapter E1000 - connected to 100 MBps switch (Cisco I think)

For simplicity -

2 sites here - Site A and Site B - Site A and Site B are connected via WAN 10 Mbs

2 laptops here - Laptop A on Site B and Laptop B on Site B

Server is in Site A on same subnet/network as laptop A pinging server gives me an average of <1ms response time

now when copying a large files (5 GB) to server from laptop A - I get a ping response of 600 ms - this in turn means when opening other documents on server it is very slow to open documents.

Using another laptop B I can copy same file to server and when pinging to the server from Laptop B ping response is around 60 ms

When the laptop A is copying same file, using Laptop B I do a ping I also get a response of 600 ms.

I suspect the issue is with network, some bottleneck (could be switch) but the network administrator insists it isnt.

Would like a second opinion from an expert - what could cause these issues ? network driver on virtual host.
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