Network transfer issues

4 Mar 2010

I have a home network, which in my little group has my gaming PC and backup server running on there. Last week everything was rosy, but now since doing an upgrade to my gaming PC transfering data to the server is pretty close to impossible. Transfering from the server is fine though, 80+ mbps.

What i used to do was have downloads saved straight to my server, and whats happening now is Firefox (or anything downloading, or transfering for that matter) starts but then freezes for 30sec or so, then a little movement and then freezes...
I was downloading Mobo updates yesterday, and a 3mb file took 10min just to complete the last 0.3mb, the first 2mb were pretty quick because it got them in before it probably started to try moving it over.

Oldly, my daily backups are being completed, but for me to sit and try to transfer some files it just often gives an error after 10-20min of trying to move them saying it cant be found.

Download speeds are fine, just transfering data from PC to Server and theres lock-ups and the app glazes over.

Any ideas, i think a reinstall is in order anyway just dont want to do it yet again as its still a fresh install, but the old hardware may be causing issues :confused:
Done a fresh install, and its still being a pain. Tried on a seperate PC and that transfered files without any problem.

Im using the network driver as provided on the MSI website, internet speeds seem normal on speedtest, it just looks like theres an issue with its communication to the server, and yet its fine bringing files across from it. Its bizarre.

Nobody any ideas? :(
Quick update, incase anyone whos actually reading this can see where the problem lies from this info...

I ran a VMware Win7 earlier, its pretty much a fresh OS, and its installed on my main/gaming PC. I transfered a file and it used pretty much 100% network connection (1Gbit), however transfering anything over say 1mb on the very machine the VM is installed on results in problems, and 0.02% transfer speed, although its pretty much locked up rather than transfering really slowly (oddly, taskman shows network data at 0.02% though, and it doesnt spike for it either).

The VM is set to be on my network, so its connected to the homegroup (as are all the machines).
There is no aftermarket firewall installed, no real windows firewall rules, and even if there was the VM and the fresh OS installed earlier today are having different results (fresh is identical to existing w7, VM one is perfectly normal).

Somewhere there has to be a conflict in the router. I've deleted the routers firewall rules i'd created for TrackMania 2 hosting 2wk ago, otherwise there are no router based firewall rules set up. What there is however, is fixed IP at the router by MAC. I've tried letting them pick their own, they did, and it made no difference.

Im really getting quite annoyed with it. Its 1 machine refusing to transfer data to my server, yet it'll receive data fine. recieves GB's in seconds, sends 2MBs in about 10min (I could upload it to my US server and back faster than it's sending it the 30cm it physically has to travel!).
It cant be PC hardware related - The VM can send fine, its installed on my PC.
Its not windows firewall, there are no rules, and a fresh OS made no difference.
It has to be router based, but i see nothing there which could cause conflict, nothing that has been changed in the last 3 days (theres nobody else here either) in which this has become a significant problem and im completely out of ideas now. Theres nothing i can think of to try to hope to stumble upon the problem.
I depend upon this connection for a lot of day-to-day storage, and if i cant move stuff over, its going to become a real nightmare.
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