Network Woes - One Min Fine, the next...nothing

26 Oct 2002
A very strange situation we have had tonight regarding my network connection. Here is the usual setup.

NTL Broadband Modem goes directly into a Network card on my PC - Realtek.

From the Onboard Nvidia Network card is a cable which goes into a Small Hub that has 4 Connections on it. This cable goes into the 1st Slot.

In the 2nd Slot of the Hub is another Cable, which goes into the computer in the dining room.

The 3rd slot of the hub is yet another cable, which is going straight into my Nephews PC.

All 3 Computers had access to the internet. Myself and my Nephew were playing World of Warcraft when he got disconnected. He had lost connection to the network. The 2nd PC in the dining room had also lost connection to the network.

For the passed 3 hours we have been trying to recreate the network as it wasn't having any of it...however I think we may have messed it up a little :P

Therefore can someone give me a quick guide on how each PC should be setup. For example:

The Main PC with the NTL broadband linked directly, should that have an IP Set or should it be set to Obtain IP automatically?

Also is this the same for the other 2 Computers.

The reason I ask these is because I setup this network probably around 2 years ago and have since forgotten the procedure.

Please shine some light on this frustrating situation :P
Thanks in Advance!

NTL broadband is connected to my PC. I have the internet Fine. I then set that connection in the network options to share the internet.
It is set to obtain IP automatically.

I then connect My computer to my Nephews computer from my 2nd NIC card. Both PCs recognise the connection but that's as far as we can get. No internet is shared :S

We have removed the Hub out of the equation at the moment.
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