New bag for work?

27 Oct 2002
Starting a nhew job in the city soon and was thinking i need a bag to take to work.

Now obviously i don't want to take a plastic bag, or some loud Nike bag. Something a bit more professional and "grown up"!!

I was thinking of maybe a tan coloured satchel like this

but less formal
Any suggestion, and any cheap places to get one?
I got a custard shop satchel bag that was meant to be for work, but since I drive and have lots of storage space at work it just sits there. Most designers 'do' a satchel type bag and thers loads of nice ones about, I've recently seen a ted baker one that was really nice but I can't justify buying something that I never use...

I don't think theres any thing wrong with record bags at all and them leather ones are a bit 'old man' in style for my liking, how about a graphite briefcase? or if you carry a laptop around most laptop cases have penty of space for other stuff; just make sure it doesn't look like a laptop case else it might get napped.

it's not for a laptop, just papers etc. Also not really after a briefcase design, that's even more formal than the satchel.
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how about

I prefer the reto kinda look... I use a graphite briefcase for my yu gi oh cards; it looks impressive as I place in on the table, open it and take my expensive cards out to kick some kids butt.
What about this?

Crumpler if you want something modern and informal, the one you originally posted also looks awesome if you need something smarter.
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