Hardware that I have:
i3540 @ 4.6 Oc'ed
Antec Khuler 920
Areo Cool Touch 2000 Fan controller
4gb XMS3 @ 1666Mhz Oc'ed
H55M-UD2H MotherBoard
Phailt 580GTX 3Gb Oc'ed 10% ish
OCZ 80Power Plus 750watt PSU
Standerd DVDRW Drive
Samsung 1TB HDD
Samsung 300GB HDD
Fractal Design Define Mini Computer Case - Black
Corsair Ram cooler
Most of this was in an Antec 902, used to have a Megahalem too but it lookes
too big.
Went to OC this morning and baught the Case, fan controller, Ram Cooler and Antec Khuler 920.
Had 2 hours before work to get it together out of one case into another.
Still got a bit to do:
After this pic was taken i put the other white fan in the front from the back:
Tea Break Lol
De-Dusted Venom Fans, The look Sweeet:
Still work in progress:
Got a little more todo tonight when i go home, ill keep you posted.
Comments welcome
i3540 @ 4.6 Oc'ed
Antec Khuler 920
Areo Cool Touch 2000 Fan controller
4gb XMS3 @ 1666Mhz Oc'ed
H55M-UD2H MotherBoard
Phailt 580GTX 3Gb Oc'ed 10% ish
OCZ 80Power Plus 750watt PSU
Standerd DVDRW Drive
Samsung 1TB HDD
Samsung 300GB HDD
Fractal Design Define Mini Computer Case - Black
Corsair Ram cooler
Most of this was in an Antec 902, used to have a Megahalem too but it lookes
too big.
Went to OC this morning and baught the Case, fan controller, Ram Cooler and Antec Khuler 920.
Had 2 hours before work to get it together out of one case into another.
Still got a bit to do:

After this pic was taken i put the other white fan in the front from the back:

Tea Break Lol

De-Dusted Venom Fans, The look Sweeet:

Still work in progress:

Got a little more todo tonight when i go home, ill keep you posted.
Comments welcome