New DSLR time

25 Jul 2005
I've had my 400D for a few years now and although it's a faithful friend the poor low light ability and general advancements in the camera world since it came out have made me wonder about getting a replacement, however I'm a bit out of sync with todays cameras...

I currently have a 35 f/2, Tokina 12-24 (currently broken...) and a 70-200 f/4 so am not too tied into the Canon ecosystem, although my preference would probably be for Canon as the 400D would go to a family member.

What I'm looking for is something small and light (important) with good low light ability and some video (like to play around with it). Some form of weather proofing would be good too, however this is where I become unstuck... AFAIK the weather proofing means I'm confined to big (relative) cameras like the 5D2 and 7D (on the canon side at least). I don't have small hands but like to travel as light as possible and regularly have a camera and some lenses in my walking bag etc (hence the lens choice above), which is why size is important (landscapes and Wildlife).

I'm also not really sure at the moment whether a full frame or crop camera would suit my needs. Crops are usually smaller and better for wildlife, however a FF would be better (in some ways) for landscapes. What is important is a decent selection of lenses that are small and high quality, AFAIK Nikon have a smaller range of lenses which are generally more expensive? Then again Canons small fast primes aren't exactly much cop anyway...

So any suggestions as to what I should look into, with reasons as to why of course. :)

I'm going to ask about the weatherproofing need... is it something you really require?
Where are you going to be shooting?

At the end of the day, in an environment where you really need weatherproofing, even the Pros will be using something to protect the camera from the elements. Whether thats some high-tech designed system, or just a plastic bag.

I'd also add that with Canon, as per their instructions, it's only truly weatherproof when using a weatherproof lens, which as far as I'm aware only applies to the L series.

I would imagine Nikon is the same.
Weather proofing won't matter with those lenses, you'll need a corresponding weather proof lens to complete the seal. The 70-200 won't be unless it's an IS.
Weather proofing isn't essential, but would be nice. I'm not particularly attached to the lenses I have at the moment, they were bought for specific things I was doing at the time. What I'm really thinking of camera wise is something like the 7D or 5D2 (on the canon side) but preferably smaller and suitable for wildlife and landscape (and a little rugged, although not essential as the 400D has been fine in that respect). I know the lower end canon ranges have been mixed up a lot recently and have heard good things about the latest prosumer Nikon cameras so am wondering if a move to Nikon would be a better bet for a sturdy outdoor focussed camera in a smaller package.

I hope that gives more of an idea of where I'm coming from as the concentration on the waterproofing isn't necessarily that important. :)
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