New Headset Suggestions

13 Jan 2004
South East
Ive had 3 Senheisser headsets, 2 130's and a 135 (which was a waste, its basically the 130 with a USB adapter)

All of them have developed a REALLY annoying rattle after about 6 months or so, if i have them too loud, and a game has a lowing noise i can here the earpieces like shaking.

anyway, im after a new headset, with a decent mic, comfortable and preferably ones that last, im considering getting ones with bigger ear things but worried that the size of them will hurt my ears after a while.

So, any suggestions sub £40-50
USB, or jack connection ?
as for hurting ** ears, ive found headphones with a cloth (?) padding better than those shiney vinyl things, like Technics headphones etc. i have a lot of piercings too, which hurt after a while.
get a Altec AHS602 5.1 Gaming Headset mate, Ive just orderd one myself, after reading all the reviews, they seem to be doing nothing but praising it.

OCUK are having htme on offer this week, get it while you can!

With a 5.1 surround sound gaming headset you cant go wrong, costed me £44inc, well worth it i say.

Just my 2 cents.
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