New HPW2207 possibly a 226bw beater

Cant grumble about that price, Does that include VAT? Also you should be able to walk into the shop and take it straight home.
Funny I did exactly the same thing today and the man behind the desk did a stock check and said 16 where in the wharehouse and they would be allocated 9. I looked at his computer and the price is £229 and i also spotted the extended warranty offer, well worth getting.
He gave me a stock number 82706056 so I can ring and check when they have got them in stock.The computer had a picture and the man was impressed himself.
Picked my one up today, Iv'e just got home from the shops but I have to leave for work at 17.00 hrs im doing the night shift. Oh the torment!!!!.
Its still in the box sitting on the floor calling out to me.
I will get around to setting it up on tuesday or some day after that and post some pics of the packaging, what cables you get with it (hope it comes with a dvi cable, I hear you get a superior picture with one.can anyone verify?), before and after shots(my old 20 inch crt monster) and some in game shots etc (does anyone have any request's ,BF2142 etc.). Whats the best way to take a pic of backlight bleeding if any?
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Heres some pics as promised with my old beast of a monitor and my new sorry about the size.

Heres the label on the box


heres all the leads


A backlight bleed shot.


Instructions stuck on the screen


I will post some screenshots next.
A screenshot of cod 2




The Monitor in portrait, only works once you have updated the drivers.


Another BF2142 shot


If anyones got any questions I will try and answer it. Oh and the speakers work fine and no dead pixels ect.
The shot of cod2 was 1024x768 useing the inscreen widescreen option.runs sweet as a nut, but when you change the graphics to 1680x1050 it looks awesome, very clear etc but a slight frame drop, I suppose a little mucking around with in game graphics would bring it back up to speed, but still very playable at high res.
BF2142 does not support the 1680x1024 res in game , so you have to edit the shortcut to run it at the 1680x1050 res.It looks realy crisp at that res but a slight drop in framerate, but I was surprised it ran at all because for an experiment I ran bf2142 on max res on my old crt and it struggled. must be slightly different for lcds i suppose.
But because of the higher res you dont need anti aliasing on. Once I turned it off it helped out a lot. no real difference from 1024 x768 realy. but it still looked realy good in 1024x768 a little distorted but hardly noticable.
My graphics card is a geforce 7800 gt.
Also it does come with a vga cable, it was attached to the back of the monitor in the box, thats how I missed taking a photo of it.
I even loaded up Starcraft and the monitor automaticaly fills the screen up, looks realy good on a big screen. the ingame menus in bf2142 are distorted, a little squashed, but once the game plays its fine.
Medieval 2 supports widescreen and also has the 1680x1050 res. I changed the in game settings and it ran brilliantly no slowdown and looked fantastic.
my computer spec is a:
Pentium 4 3.4 with 2 gig ram and a geforce 7800gt.
I thought I might have problems with a big monitor but all the games run brilliantly. Well pleased with my purchase, also the wife loves it as she hated my old monitor with a passion. I got it from john lewis.
Also my in game settings for bf2142 are not maxed out, I play a lot online if that helps with the quality of the screenshots questions
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No ghosting in games at all, I have been very busy this week so have not been playing online. hopefully I will get a chance to push it to its limits and report back with any issues. No mouse lag either. As for being glossy ive got no complaints , but i dont have a window behind me.
Not to sure about the darkness problems, seems fine to me.
I will play a widescreen dvd with black borders and take a photo, if that helps.
Heres a few more screenshots taken in native resolution. Does anyone know why when I press the menu and volume buttons they only stay on the screen for a second?

2Drunk2Funk said:
STUPID STUPID STUPID Purple shirted company nubs.

I just did a 90m round trip, 2 1/2 hours and it was the OLD model.

The 0870 number I rang for stores said they had 4 of the one I wanted at the store and reserved one.

The assistant searching on the Store system for HP W2207 brought up the old model and the lazy arse mofo on the national number for Purple shirted nobs could not READ and said it was in stock.

I am so angry, I hated that store before, I hate it even more now :mad: :mad: :mad:

I know how you feel, B&Q told me they had 281 lenghts of the skirting board I
needed and when I got to the store the shelves where empty. The assistant checked out back and said 'you can't trust the computer '. Bloody useless staff.
I believe comet are now stocking this monitor.
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