New internet connection for rented house.

7 Apr 2004
Banbury/Coventry Uni

Im a student moving into a rented accommodation in a month or so, and im looking at getting internet for me and my house mates, and then for my girlfriend and her housemates. However, I suddenly realise i have NO idea about internet and phone packages and prices.

Do i need to get a phone landline call package first before i can get a broadband package? I don't particularly want a phone/internet package, as im trying to avoid fair use traps, but at the same time i don't want to pay through the teeth for both phone and internet. What do i need to do to go about getting the internet in a house with no phoneline!?!?

Thanks for your help in advance.
yeah you will need a landline for adsl.

I would suggest a contract free isp so that you're not tied in and one which gives you free wireless router. will compare for you and let you know which ones are avail in your area will compare for you and let you know which ones are avail in your area

And claim a nice referral for their "trouble". Better looking somewhere like thinkbroadband, who aren't just pushing you towards the biggest kickback for themselves.

I would suggest a contract free isp so that you're not tied in and one which gives you free wireless router.

You won't get both, barring perhaps Be (but that means a 3 month contract and you've got to send the router back when you cancel).
I'd suggest coughing up the activation fee and buying a router, so you there's no minimum term and can get a decent router as opposed to the crap they give out.

There are a load of threads on this subject in the first couple of pages of this forum, take a look around for yourself. Posting some indication of your budget wouldn't be a bad idea as well - you won't get unlimited usage without parting with a good bit of cash, but the usage level you get generally varies with how much you pay.

You won't need to pay for a voice service if you take cable, but you'd need to talk to them or you'll be stuck for the standard 12 month contract.
Thanks tolien,

In terms of our budget, there is me and 3 other guys sharing, so we can afford something decent, but at the same time, nothing stunning, cos at the end of the day, we still need more beer money. Beer good.

To be honest, im half willing to settle with a BT homehub or TalkTalk... not sure if anyone has had experience with either one. Ill look around and see what i can gather.
They're both pretty crap, TT more so I'd say.

thinkbroadband, that I linked to previously, have a comparison tool.
Be provide a free router which isn't great but isn't bad, and isn't a 12 month contract. You have to send it back if you cancel though.
So, if i was to go with Be, then im going to need a landline?

If so, whats the total - per month - that id expect to be charged for landline/ISP? Is it literally the cost of the landline + ISP charges. While i want the best, i still want something that is not too expensive.
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