New iPad Clones with Android 2.2

6 Jul 2010
Just released in SZ (China). New iPad clones run Android 2.2 with Cortex A8 processors, around $200 - $290 USD.

No Competitors!

Any reviews, discussion on these? I have laid my money down and waiting for the courier to show up. Been burnt before and not holding my breath, but as an ebook reader and wifi surfer?
To be fair, hardware aside, if someone does actually port Android 2.2 or Gingerbread to the iPad, it will be a hell of a lot better!
Why is it here in the first place!?

A no-brand apple-esque Android touting tablet...
Looks like a scam to me.
The cheap iPad copies look so bad. I think there is only one reasonable one out so far, either HP or Dell or something, can't find it atm.
The only thing I've seen so far that looks like coming close to le ipad is the bb playbook but we haven't really seen enough of that.
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