New Jedi Knight Game - is there gonna be one?

26 Jul 2003
Anyone heard if they going to do a new Jedi Knight game? I think it would be awesome on either the Source or D3 engine.

Raven Software make them and generally speaking its an expected release title soon after a new ID engine is release.

IMO it would be best done on the D3 engine due to the realtime lighting effects as apposed to the *fake* Source lighting (not saying the source was bad - in fact I gawd dang love it). Thinking light sabre effects here.

Quite frankly all bar the RPG release of starwars have been absolutly terrible since JK:Academys was released - and even that wasnt as good as JK2.
I'd love a new Jedi Knight game, as they were one of the best games out there, for both Star Wars and general gaming experience.

If I were to choose an engine, It would have to be the Doom 3 engine for lighting, running with the Source engines' physics.

As much as I'd love a new Jedi Knight, I'm still hoping on KOTOR III, as that would be great, to me anyway.
The Mad One said:
Aslong as it isnt a crappy console conversion this time :mad:

That didn't stop KOTOR from being one of the best and most atmospheric games of all time (in my opinion), though it's going to likely be a Xbox 360 jobbie, meaning it'll probably have quite a good quality to it... hopefully.
Noxis said:
JK:Academys was released - and even that wasnt as good as JK2.

Interestingly that's not the first time I've heard someone say that, and yet I thought Jedi Academy was head and shoulders above Jedi Outcast. It's more fun to play (especially the early section of the games), the levels flow better, you get some choice over what missions you want to attempt, force powers are handled better and the textures/level design looks much better. I was very disappointed by JK2:JO and was hence pleasantly suprised by JA.

Maybe for those who played JK2 at the time of release it seemed OK, but I played it a couple of years later, and judged on merit it was distinctly average IMO.

That said Battlefront 2 wasn't exactly a riproaring funride so your assessment that there hasn't been a good non-RPH SW game since JA holds true.
I also thought Jedi Academy was much better than Jk2, much more sabre action not to mention the dual and double ended sabres. Much better game in my opinion. Loved the KOTOR games too, but would prefer another Jedi Knight style game, they have so much material to work with you would think they could come out with some new releases more often.

Lucasarts don’t make games like they used to :mad:
richyfingers said:
Lucasarts don’t make games like they used to :mad:

LucasArts havent made them for a while is my understanding ( is this just the KOTOR type games which are farmed out to other developers?)

I would LOVE to see another Jedi Knight game, I really loved the original especially but JK2 was pretty good too imho
DaveyD said:
That didn't stop KOTOR from being one of the best and most atmospheric games of all time (in my opinion), though it's going to likely be a Xbox 360 jobbie, meaning it'll probably have quite a good quality to it... hopefully.

I agree both games are great but where i mean crappy conversion i mean compatibility and performance tweaking, KOTOR was good but number 2 was worse take the dantooine performance bug for example. I just wish for once they could take more time when converting games to the pc platform.
maybe we will see some proper star wars games made by lucas arts, i mean they arnt making any star wars films now, that we know of anyway and with the release of the revolution (nintendo seem to be a favourite for star wars games) then maybe we will?
Vicious said:
maybe we will see some proper star wars games made by lucas arts, i mean they arnt making any star wars films now, that we know of anyway and with the release of the revolution (nintendo seem to be a favourite for star wars games) then maybe we will?

They've got 2 Star Wars TV series to come out within the next 4 or 5 years, but LucasArts are a totally different thing to LucasFilm.

What good recent Star Wars games have there been on a Nintendo only system? (Except maybe Rogue Leader)

Only real good Star Wars games I can think of are JKII, JK:JA, KOTOR I, KOTOR II, Lego Star Wars and maybe Empire at War.
Dunno if I agree with that.

There were some good platformers on the SNES like return of the jedi or whatever it was called.

Rebel Assault was quite popular in the early 90s. The Dark Forces titles were well received at the time as well, although granted, I think they are overrated.

The X-Wing/TIE-fighter games were probably the best of their type in the mid90s.
The Super Star Wars series? All were pretty good fun for the time.

The Rogue Squadrons shouldn't just be dismissed as "OK" either, as I think they're both ace games (all three I guess if you include the N64 one).
HangTime said:
Dunno if I agree with that.

There were some good platformers on the SNES like return of the jedi or whatever it was called.

Rebel Assault was quite popular in the early 90s. The Dark Forces titles were well received at the time as well, although granted, I think they are overrated.

The X-Wing/TIE-fighter games were probably the best of their type in the mid90s.

I did say what 'recent' games, as I'm aware of all the old Star Wars platformers :) as Vicious' statement kind of sounded like only Nintendo had good Star Wars games. Plus Dark Forces, Rebel Assaul, X-Wing/TIE Fighter are all non-nintendo PC games :)
My post was (aside from the intial comment about SNES platformers) primarily in response to:

Only real good Star Wars games I can think of are JKII, JK:JA, KOTOR I, KOTOR II, Lego Star Wars and maybe Empire at War.
The multiplayer, sabre at least ( guns kinda ruined it - sabres were unique ) was good in JK2 and there was much more to it than most people saw on the surface. There were more moves you could do with each sabre style/strength than the majority of players knew about.

JKA, sometimes mis-credited as JK3 was full of bugs and some of the more "expert" players of JK2 who moved on said that it was seriously lacking.

If they do make another, I'd expect more detail and thought to go into it.
As I stated in my earlier post LucasArts stopped making PC games several years ago as far as I understand it.

Of course that doesnt mean they couldnt give another developer a licence for X Wing 3 or something but the love that LucasArts put into it as George had so much control of everything Star Wars especially inhouse was evident in the early games.

Now Star Wars this and that get everywhere and even though Lucas would have some kind of say with an external developer, it wouldnt be nearly as much as if it was done inhouse

A Real Pity

edit ..... I have just read the "about us" on LucasArts site and it sounds like they are still going strong - they mention a lot of collaboration with other developers etc and suggest some of the RTS games are inhouse but nothing really about any arcade / fps games
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Corran said:
I would love a new space sim from Lucasarts.

X-Wing Alliance was fantastic.

I 2nd that, X-Wing Alliance was fantastic. I was having fun with that only about 6 months ago on one of my retro, can't find any new good games to buy trips :D
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