new job help

8 Jul 2007
Right so I am in a bit of a rut so thought i'd change jobs and saw a field engineer job for £17000 + car + overtime, just need to have break fix and good fault finding skills on PC's, printers and base units.

Also need skill set/basic knowledge of Desktop, Server, Networking, EpoS, Printer, ATM, Photocopier, Cabling.

I have a general understanding of all tings computers, is there any sites you people reccomend to expand me knowledge.

Also surely some of you people have jobs that involve problem solving in the above areas so what I am asking is basically anything to help me fudge my way through the interview i.e what are the general problems you resolve e.t.c

Sorry that was a bit vague, hope you get what I need.

Try, a lot of usefull stuff on there.

Buy some computer related magazines too.

Also, you could do a night course on a specific field in computing e.g. Programming.
I was looking at night courses aswell sumat simple like A+ or ECDL and then sumat a bit more advanced like C++, XHTML or java e.t.c

As the prospective employers will be interviewing soon I was basically looking for a quick guide into the areas noted so I kinda know what I am on about in interview to get the job and then study after.

Ye olde Wikipedia seems like a good site fo this aswell.
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