Ok the Stallone camp fest is ok and I will happily sit down and watch anyday, BUT there area few scenes that make me cringe big time lol.
The scene where stallone rides in before the big reveal as Dredd, the lawmaster he rides makes him look like a young whipper snapper on his first 50cc and wobbles all over the shop. It aint the actors fault its the dam bike! It looks horrible, wobbly, fake euggghh... it just doesnt fit what the bike is supposed to be in the 2000ad comics.
The second massive fault that I will always moan about (yes im a grumpy old man lol) is the ABC Warrior! COME ON PLEASE why isnt he Hammerstein or Mech Quake? They had to go with a clunky robotic frame and that over-used actor's voice you seem to get on so many films with devil like characters.... Bill & Ted's bogus journey is one that springs to mind.
So to sum up if they do this right then it will do Dredd and 2000ad (forgive the pun) justice... lol.
EDIT: Cool "Scotty" is going to be Dredd!