Tons of improvements, NO MORE MS DUO BUG! Thank God. Improved audio volume for both headset, and speaker. Was always a major issue that the volume was so low. The menu / navigation is a lot faster. Also, it seems like I may have improved reception cannot absolutely confrim this but I have 1 or 2 more bars in my basement then I last remember.
List of Changes:
- Released on SEUS for the W800 around 2/12/05.
- Released on SEUS for the K750 around 9/12/05 (EU4 only).
- (Note: Users are currently having difficulty performing R1AA updates via SEUS for the K750 firmware. Please check the latest posts for additional information)
- Fixes MS Duo file transfer issues.
- Rotating and zooming into pictures is faster and displays an egg timer whilst processing.
- Menu navigation (particularly when displaying thumbnail images) feels faster.
- External speaker sound level increased
- Headphone sound level increased (by approximately 1 bar)
- Reduction of noise when playing low volume MP3s
- Further Contrast / Gamma modifications have been made to the display to improve screen image quality.
- Software versions:
Camera 4.5
ITP CXC 125 932 R1E
Going to update my k750i (w800 firmware) to it now and see the changes for myself

Davinci client has it now, w800i firmware.
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