New laptop - choices, choices

11 Jun 2003
Sheffield, UK
All else being equal:

Dual core with 7600 graphics.
Single core with 7800x2 sli and raid0 hard drives (this option is also £75 more and about 5 cm larger in width and length but has a 17" screen holding 1900x1200)

Laptop will be used as a desktop on the move so weight/size not SUCH an issue.

Im very much on the fence with this one, looking at the graphics cards the 7600 mobile scores around 1900 in 3Dmark while the 7800 (non-gtx, none SLI) gets 2200. Looking at the others from normal to SLI id guess its somewhere between 800 and 1000 points in it between 7600 and 7800sli.
The beefier laptop is huge though. It has a footprint something like a 17" tft screen.

They both use Turion chips - one is single core 2.2 1MB cache (so a 3700+) the other is roughly an X2 4200.

Very hard to choose! :)
dont bother getting a laptop with amd cpu, they are crap, even the turion x2 64. go for a core 2 duo based laptop, pref the 800fsb version that came out about 2 months ago.
If I saw one I probably would - the above are in the £800 range which is at the extreme top end of my budget. Core 2 Duo with a decent card (i.e not a 7300) are generally over £1000 unless anyone can give me a model for (at a guess) an Acer or Fujitsu with core 2 and 7600 or above?

As far "turion is crap" agreed they're more heat (35w as opposed to 27w for the core 2 duo) but there isnt the HUGE gaping difference between AMD and Intel folks would have you belive. Theres no doubting for the same price you get a fair amount more on the intel chips but its nothing greater than say 10% (would back this up with reviews but just meant as a comment). Not a fanboy either - if I saw intel in price with a good card it would be snapped up.
i find laptops at similar spec to there desktop counterparts always lacking in power and for the prices they cost and the rate they devalue not really worth it
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