New MSN - how do you block someone?

28 Jun 2006
Somewhere in Bristol
Sorry to post such an inane topic, but since MSN changed, I cant seem to work out how to block someone, you used to be able to right click on their name, but now when you do that there is no block option.

Can anyone help?
Right click > Appear offline to this person

Yes but I am usually offline on there (am signed in but offline) so I can't do that when I am offline, it just gives me the option to appear online to them. I don't want to have to go online to then appear offline to them, so is there no other way to do it?

As in I want to block them so I can sign in.
The new MSN is adware. I don't usually use it, but I installed it on the work machine the other day and was surprised how screwed up it's got since I last used it circa 2006.
Indeed I mean seriously, you dont want to go online because someone you dont want to talk to is online and are too scared for them to know you were online, before you block them?

Jheeeze are you 12 years old?
Indeed I mean seriously, you dont want to go online because someone you dont want to talk to is online and are too scared for them to know you were online, before you block them?

Jheeeze are you 12 years old?

Where did I say I was scared. Am a tad older than 12 thanks, its just annoying that they've changed it. Sorry for bothering you.
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