new piston?

13 Jan 2004
where can a piston for a can am 1979 250cc single. think this is classed as a bombardier?

my mates got one and the engine blew and hes really struggling to find a decent piston.

is there a place where he could get one made if need be? :confused:
There used to be a shop on the Old Kent Road that used to sell pistons and piston rings. They were called Ferraris and the shop is long gone but they seem to be a wholesaler now and were able to sort me out with some obscure size rings for my old Ford engine. Might be worth getting in touch?

Ferraris Piston Service
Unit 7, Phoenix Park
Apsley Way, London NW27LN
020 8208 1511
cheers for your help guys. i *think* nay.... HOPE he tried such a bloody obvious site before asking me lol!

he's had 1 piston off someones website but the piston was knackered when he took it to be rebuilt. thinner at the bottom than at the top. would have ran... for maybe 100 miles they reckon lol
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