New Router for VM Cable - Can i have some advice?

19 Oct 2004
I'm thinking of getting a new router.

I'm on VM 10m and ideally want a wireless N one with Gigabit ports.

i'll want it to connect to a couple of macs as far away as possible - so i can sit in my back garden and do work. listen to spotify, but would also like it to be as good as possible for playing battlefield BC2 - this would be on a wired connection though...

Dunno if router makes a difference to pings so i'm asking...

Anyone got any advice?
pretty much any decent wireless cable router (Netgear, Linksys) should be fine for 10mb cable, certainly any with gigabit ports.
The bigger problem would be getting a good wireless signal, I'm not sure who has the best signals though, I know my Linksys WRT54GL has a weak signal to my lounge but that is an older wireless G router (and passing though effectively 3 brick walls), but N routers should be better with the signal.
on virgin 50mb using a Dlink DIR 655 best router I ever bought. Gigabit and the wireless range is epic. its in my attic. I was sitting in my car connected wireless with iphone at the end of the street a good 50 meters away from my house :D
i had a LOT of issues with the DIR655 and lag issues with TeamSpeak and also Newsgroup downloads, obv. thing would be the firewall / ports, but no, it seems to have been the bandwidth monitor function not knowing what it was doing.
i Bayed that and got myself a Netgear
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