New speakers...?

4 Jul 2004
At the moment i have Logitech Z3's which i find produce very nice sound - personally haven't heard better speakers tbh. I really want some new ones. What sort of price would i have to spend to really be able to tell the difference? I don't wanna buy some and not actually notice any difference! :D

edit - i would spend anything upto 400/500 but would prefer to not spend quite that much. but after a couple of months of listening to music through laptop speakers and just putting these z3's on, made me realise how good speakers make music so much better... :D
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I'd go straight for the Logitech z5500's, although i dont know what your wanting to spend. I suspose it depends what your wanting to do with your speakers? Do you use them for mainly music, movies or games? Id say stick to logiitech tho! great sound and great product support!
lol those Logitechs aren't as good as a proper set of Hi-Fi speakers, and if you're looking at £600 then why consider Logitec pap?

£600 will get you a nice stereo integrated amplifier & speakers, second hand. Or one step up from budget line, new.
Mainly for music. Never play games tbh and rarely watch films on my computer (although i do from time to time).

Not sure if it helps... but listen to drum and bass and psytrance mainly.
Definately go with a decent stereo setup in that case. You can get a setup far superior to PC speakers by spending that money on second hand Hi-Fi kit.
Mate tbh go for the z5500. they are more than enough for just a room.
4hours playing them at like 800wats and not even one crack from the sound..they sound great even tho i have a bad,old soundcard
rycon1 said:
Mate tbh go for the z5500. they are more than enough for just a room.
4hours playing them at like 800wats and not even one crack from the sound..they sound great even tho i have a bad,old soundcard

800W. Yeah right. That's 800W, PMPO. More like 80W total, with high distortion and not full frequency range.

All my music is on my computer though. I've lost half of my cd's, so don't want a propper stereo tbh

eh I don't get you? What has not wanting a "proper stereo" got to do with your music is stored on your computer? I have a Rotel / B&W system for my PC (plus another two higher end for HT & Hi-Fi) again sharing FLAC. HTPC/HT, gaming rig, and Hi-Fi can access flac music.
squiffy said:
eh I don't get you? What has not wanting a "proper stereo" got to do with your music is stored on your computer? I have a Rotel / B&W system for my PC (plus another two higher end for HT & Hi-Fi) again sharing FLAC. HTPC/HT, gaming rig, and Hi-Fi can access flac music.

Me too, have a nice soundcard which plugs directly into my arcam amp feeding my Monitor Audio B2 speakers. I would never ever go back to crappy PC-speakers, or all in one 5.1 kits after hearing how good carefully chosen separates and speakers can sound !
Theres the space and power issue with having Hifi equip tho, im gonna grab some active studio monitors i think.
Kezmo said:
Theres the space and power issue with having Hifi equip tho, im gonna grab some active studio monitors i think.

Lol if you think one amp takes up room should see my setup. :eek: Probably 6' of components if you were to stack them one of top of each other.

Active speakers do have there pros, but if you want to upgrade the speakers it means spending money on amplifiers again, rather than just buying a good amp and then upgrading speakers a few years down the line (the amp will still be good)
squiffy said:
eh I don't get you? What has not wanting a "proper stereo" got to do with your music is stored on your computer? I have a Rotel / B&W system for my PC (plus another two higher end for HT & Hi-Fi) again sharing FLAC. HTPC/HT, gaming rig, and Hi-Fi can access flac music.

Well I assumed that with a propper stereo, you can't play music on a pc through it...?

If i said i had a budget of 500-600 quid ish, what would you recommend? I guess i need new soundcard as i just have on board sound...

Well I assumed that with a propper stereo, you can't play music on a pc through it...?

Of course you can. Stereo line out from soundcard into stereo integrated amplifier, then onto your speakers. I use a Rotel stereo integrated amplifier and B&W 601's with the PC in my sig. Sounds in a totally different league to the naff FPS 2000 speakers I had.

As for specific kit, look at Rotel or NAD for budgets, if you're looking at something better I would recommend you go into a Hi-Fi and have a listen to some gear.
squiffy said:
As for specific kit, look at Rotel or NAD for budgets, if you're looking at something better I would recommend you go into a Hi-Fi and have a listen to some gear.
Seconded. Compared to all these 5/7.1 sets, even a cheapish second hand Hi-Fi set (50 quid amp, 50 quid monitors) reign supreme.

I'd love to get me some of those B&W speakers you have squiffy.
Ah. Well I just assumed a stereo was a standalone thing, and a pc couldn't be connected easily to work with it.

If i go into a shop and try them out, is it normal to bring a cd of music you listen to? Or do they provide sample music?
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