New street fighter teaser site

Interesting to see if this game will overtake the original in the competitive scene.

Well it can't be any worse, the competitive scene despise SFIV.

Yep, the Street Fighter series is infamous for that, but then much most other Capcom games tend to get newer versions after a while, looking at Lost Planet: Colonies Edition and now Resident Evil 5 being recent examples. It kind of makes day one purchases of some of their games pointless and a waste.

I highly doubt DLC for extra/newer characters can ever work for a fighting game, unless they are completely done and hidden away on the disc and only to be unlocked by a code, as it can make or break the game i.e. think of the coding giltches, exploits and problems it can cause.

Hence why fighting games tend to get another full release revised version. Look at Virtua Fighter 4 & 5 and Guilty Gear XX as other examples.

Well that's a load of rubbish. They are traditionally not patched because they are primarily based around arcade releases. The home version of SFIV had 8 characters added without changing any of the original character or game coding so no idea where you got that theory from.
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Well that's a load of rubbish. They are traditionally not patched because they are primarily based around arcade releases. The home version of SFIV had 8 characters added without changing any of the original character or game coding so no idea where you got that theory from.
Lets see, Arcade version comes first, then the Home version months to a year later in which added features/modes or a few tweaks could be made, like making sure the new characters interact well with the older/standard ones, ironing out as many giltches, exploits etc as possible.

Then comes the next phase in which that Home version would help to form into a newly revised Arcade version, along with any extra tweaks of it's own, and then a possibility that this version itself may get a Home release, and so forth and so forth.

I mean look at Sega's Virtua Fighter 5 as an example. Version A for the Arcade release, Version B for the PS3, Version C for the Xbox 360, and then Version R for new Arcade release. Each consecutive release having tweaks and changes as such, like Version R containing an old & new character added which the previous versions do not have and will be unable to implement them, unless Sega decides to have a new Home release based on Version R.

..for the lazier members :)
Koreans cheering on the new Tae Kwon Do character LOL :p.
I'd imagine the epic damage from T Hawk's ultra was a result of Juri having low stamina rather than T Hawk's Ultra consistently doing that much damage.

Liking the look of Juri. Very quick by the looks of it, dash looks like it could go under fireballs. Thankfully it looks like she's not based on a "charge" moveset (judging from the character twitching down/forward before doing a move). That cartwheel is awesome, and her Ultra is fancy and does nice damage. I think she also might have a projectile. Her Super shows it at the end of it connecting (little purple thing in mid-air) and also I think a regular projectile is thrown at 2m 18s and again from the other side about 8 seconds later. She also might have a teleport style move, you can see it in the video below.

Looks like Ultra's might be setable, but I wonder if you can change it mid game or only pre-game. The bars on the T Hawk / Juri video show T. Hawk's having a "I" in the Ultra bar and Juri's having a "II" and on other stuff I've seen she has a "I" so I'd guess that indiciates your Ultra type - just remains to be seen when you change it.

Here's a another video showing Dee Jay and some moves from all three new characters.

I wonder if Seth will get a big bunch of new moves due to 8 - 10 characters getting added?
Nope, the best fighters definitely dislike it compared to the other SF games, no doubt about that at all.

They play it because of the money its popularity brings to SFIV tournaments.

You need to get into the scene, then you'll realise.
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LOL pretty much what I thought reading the last few posts :D. In all honesty its because Im jealous :(

ps3ud0 :cool:
I couldnt help but chuckle when I read this :p You sound like a seasoned veteran who hangs around with Justin, Daigo, Gootecks, Gilley and the gang every friday night :D

I'm crap at the game, but I try to get involved in the scene wherever possible, whether it's playing with people such as Zak Bennett like I did tonight, to dual modding sticks for gamers, to attending/running/assisting in tournaments. I love the scene and would get more involved if I could but I have a life unfortunately :(

So many people on here talk without knowledge or experience about various subjects and I strive to improve my knowledge rather than guess/assume.

Back on topic:

Capcom would be daft not to have an arcade release, a lot of people have gotten into SFIV due to the tournaments held so far and without the support from Japan, a primarily arcade based scene, those tournaments would be a lot less exciting.

Edit: Was it you or rp2000 who lives near London?
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I've made the same mistake once :p
I'll share a secret, I have yet to play one offline game.
Not even sure how I would fair. Whether online play has slowed me down, or has it made more reactive. Wouldn't have a clue!

If I ever do venture to London, will let you know beforehand. Last time I went to an arcade scene was at the Troc in 2000 probably :D

Are most SF4 cabinets still in the troc? Or am I decade out of date?
There are 4-5 locations with troc having the worst in terms of maintenance. We should have this chat in the SFIV thread though.
Looks like Ultra's might be setable, but I wonder if you can change it mid game or only pre-game. The bars on the T Hawk / Juri video show T. Hawk's having a "I" in the Ultra bar and Juri's having a "II" and on other stuff I've seen she has a "I" so I'd guess that indiciates your Ultra type - just remains to be seen when you change it.

I read somewhere that there are now 2 ultras, 1 normal and 1 "air" ultra.
Zangief has an air Ultra, but other sources have suggested that some characters have a P and a K activated Ultra each.
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