New to Tft's so which one? Spec me

29 Sep 2004
on the road
Very shortly I will be changing over to a tft as I need more space on my desktop. I have always had crt's before and therefore know little about tft's, apart from reading about them in here. After doing a bit of reading/searching, I have narrowed it down to these four.

Hyundai L90D+
" Q90U
Viewsonic VX922
" VX924

My main useage will be for gaming, watching dvd's then general web browsing. My budget is a max of £350, Im not into widescreen either.If anyone has any of the above panels I would be grateful of some feedback.
Samsung 930BF does everything the VX922 does, but for £100 less. In actual use, BeHardware couldn't see any speed difference between a 2 ms screen like the VX922 and 3, 4 and 6 ms screens.

All the screens you've listed are TN Film btw, which all have limited viewing angles, and don't do the deepest of blacks. Your budget is big enough for something like the Samsung SM-970P, which having an overdriven PVA panel offers deeper blacks and better viewing angles than a TN screen, but the trade-off being it's a little slower.
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I'd strongly recommend stretching the extra £25 to the ViewSonic VP930

This really is a superb monitor, being based on a premium P-MVA panel with a true 8-bit colour depth (unlike the 6-bit TN panels mentioned above)

It is also a very fast monitor, maintaining a low response rate across all colour transitions (unlike TN panels that can peak)
ajgoodfellow said:

I'd strongly recommend stretching the extra £25 to the ViewSonic VP930

This really is a superb monitor, being based on a premium P-MVA panel with a true 8-bit colour depth (unlike the 6-bit TN panels mentioned above)

It is also a very fast monitor, maintaining a low response rate across all colour transitions (unlike TN panels that can peak)

Cheers for that mate :)

So would this monitor be suitable for everything I'm after, or does it just excell at either gaming or watching dvd's etc.
Sounds like the one for me then :D

I take it you have this monitor too? or maybe for your next upgrade?
I think I'd agree with what Fish and AJ have said here. With the budget available it would be worth looking at the models which are not based on TN Film technology. All the ones in the post #1 are TN Film and while being certainly very responsive for gaming, they really suffer from restrictive viewing angles and poor 'noisy' movie playback. The Samsung 970P and Viewsonic VP930 are certainly both excellent models, and offer a much better all round performance, while still being good for gaming. The Viewsoniv VP930 would have the edge in my opinion since Samsung have not really done a particularly good job controlling the overdrive on their PVA panel (in the 970P). This results in some unecessary noise and artifacts in movie playback which the Viewsonic does not suffer from as much. The Viewsonic is probably the best all round TFT in the market right now, and if you can stretch, i think that would an excellent choice :) (Samsung 970P detailed here at X-bit labs regards the movie playback)
Thanks for that Baddass, like I said I do a fair bit of gaming so a responsive panel is a must. The viewing angle isn't really a factor in my case as the monitor will be near enough right in front of me, but the 'noise' element would matter as I do tend to watch quite a few dvd's.

I really didn't want to go over 350, but seeing that the VP930 is not that much over budget, then I suppose it would be worth it to get a decent all round panel I guess :)
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