New Years Resolutions ? What are yours?

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18 Oct 2002
@ Home and @ University
Just wanted to know what are yours?

Apologies if this post has already been done!

mine is to get a bit more exercise than standing between two sticks every weekened and occasionally jumping for the ball... i think there was this thread yesterday itd be strange fro someone not to have already covered this subject
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Originally posted by quackers
stop being a pussy and go the :)

Me too, I chipped a big bit off of one of my molars but I haven't done anything about it yet. It's a case of "if it ain't hurting don't fix it" for me.


Get some self esteem (stolen from the lovely SBMG),
Get back into shape
Concentrate more at college
Make more money
Originally posted by GT3_GOD
mine are


I'll get my coat ;)

I was goon type this then thought, theres goons be someone!

some ppl :)

have a good new year!

1. To be more organised and not loose so many things :rolleyes:

2. Save money rather than spending it straight away

3. Work a lot harder at college
1. Start reading Overclocking + General Hardware (brothers request)

2. Start playing tennis again (stopped due to revision for GCSE Mocks)

  1. Code more
  2. Revise/Work to the best of my ability at all times
  3. Dedicate myself to a few projects and stick by them
  4. Reply to every email that it sent me
  5. Try and be more understanding/patient with my family
  6. Get a decent job for the summer and earn some cash
  7. Stop buying upgrades for my PC


Objectives for 2003 are as follows:

1. Lose a bit of weight and tighten up
2. Gain my PPL before the end of the year
3. Give more of my time to other people when they need it.

Number 2 is the only one which I am properly motivated to do, whether or not the finances hold out is another story. :D
  1. Revise more & properly for my exams
  2. Earn enough money to pay the money I owe my parents and save up some money
  3. Improve relations with family, try to get on better
    ooh, similar to a few of Mr. Shaks :)
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