newbie questions

2 Oct 2004
N.W London
Hi peeps,

I recently bought the fuji s9600 and have a question I wondered if anyone could help? :

How do I get the best use of the camera? by using the different settings i.e. night, landscape, etc etc or by learning the aperture, exposure and lens and focus settings myself?

Im finding it a bit of challenge when setting the camera to manual and then playing with the aperture, exposure and focus settings..however when I set the camera on a programmed function its really great....using manual setting means my pictures come out blurry, not enough light or too much light...

Sure I havent really put that many hours into learning all the functions yet but I would really like to..It just gets a little confusing when you adjust different settings you forget what you adjusted and so on and so forth...

Ideally I would like to take a pic on manual settings and know what settings I should use to get the best quality of image, am i dreaming? or does this come with time??

all comments would be appreciated

im just learning to with the 5600 what im doing is using the A mode and seeing what i can do with that, doing this lets the camera set the shuter speed its self. Or the S mode if i want things to be sharp or if i want a long shutter speed. once i get these sorted i may go to manual mode
I've got the S6500fd and I'm mainly using the different settings like landscape etc etc, while i learn about the basics of photography.

now and again i'll dabble with the aperture priority mode etc, but eventually i can see myself only using aperture/shutter priority and manual modes.
I tend to find aperture priority mode the setting I use the most. That way I have more control over depth of field and also you can control the shutter speed via your aperture setting.

If you don't know already I would suggest reading up on Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO settings. Learn what they do and how they effect one another. From there you should have a better understand of what settings to use in what situations.

In the long run it will be more beneficial and more rewarding for you to learn these things and stick to either Aperture priority, shutter speed priority or fully manual (although the latter I have never used)
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Again i have jsut got a S6500fd and i must admit i am starting in at the deep end and using manual to control the camera. I generally set the apature first for my depth of field and try and use the shutter speed to limit or increase the light going through the lens.

I still have a long way to go and the guys here will help!
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