Newton Faulkner

18 Oct 2002
Lo all,

Don't know how many of you have heard of Newton, but I thought I would try and raise some awareness.
Went to see him last night in Falmouth and he is amazing live, really good rapor with the audience and the music is incredible.

Here is his website, checkout his Myspace for some other songs!

His guitar work has to be seen to be believed :D

That Massive Attack cover is rather good. Quite liked the other tunes too even though acoustic is not really my thing.

Think I'll investigate further though, thanks for the heads up.

Yup, got it the other day on the strength of the two singles and it's very good. Would like to see him live - I've heard he's very funny during his gigs?
Thanks for the thread revival ;)

Loving the new album although I don't like the backing track to 'I Need Something' the EP version with just him and a guitar is much better.

Seen him live twice now, this second time with the material from the album. Absolutely loving it. He really is good with the audience as well. Some funny stories in that man.

I'm put off by the "too much filler" comments... I do love that single though.

Dream Catch Me?

One of my least favourite tracks on the album since it just sounds like a fairly catchy generic indie single. The first four/five tracks (ignoring the intro) are great then it sounds like he had to come up with somthing to pad out the album quick because the deadline was coming up.

But it is a 17 track album and take away the filler you are still left with a nice amount of tunes comprised of the ol' DADGAD tapping bending hammering pulling harmonic lark and great vocal harmonies. I was just expecting him to whip it out as often as Andy Mckee.

Friends have said he's great live though so I need to get round to doing that.
I'm put off by the "too much filler" comments... I do love that single though.

I know things like this are mostly recommendation but if you do like the single, the album's definitely worth a listen. I think it's a nice cross between fingerstyle guitar and male vocals. It's got a lot of extra depth that people like james blunt and damien rice and that daniel powter guy miss out on. It's also a refreshing change to the dross that seems to prop up the charts!

I've not heard a true, all-filler album for quite a while!
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