*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

I understand you've had problems dude but you have to put others beofre yourself, can you definately commit to playing all your games? The people you have played less games than you won't be in this league. I wasn't sure fi you'd play this one as you've struggled with getting on with internet issues/being under the thumb too :p

Yeah fair enough. Leave me out of this one then. I'll watch from afar :)
If there is space I would like to join in. Only just started playing Fifa 08 so still suck at it, but willing to participate and hopefully surprise myself.

I am a Spurs fan, so will obviously, should they fit the entry criteria play as them, otherwise I am not fussed as long as it isnt that other average team in North London.

As for playing time, I am on every evening between 10.30pm and 12.30am so if this doesn't tie in with game time, then count me out.
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If there is space I would like to join in. Only just started playing Fifa 08 so still suck at it, but willing to participate and hopefully surprise myself.

I am a Spurs fan, so will obviously, should they fit the entry criteria play as them, otherwise I am not fussed as long as it isnt that other average team in North London.

I'll put your name down mate.
Andy, I cant see the image at work in your first post but my Gamertag is the same as my Username - Kyle009

(Im guessing its already on the list, but thought id put it here just in case, work blocks free imagehosting sites)
To be honest, we need a post/page with each league members MSN address and gamertag.

Easy to sort out your games and such that way.
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