*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

I think im aiming to become an established championship side ;)

(as long as we cant get relegated further :p)

I'll be joining you, I haven't played Fifa 08 since the week it was released, bought it as a stop gap for Pro Evo, then stopped playing as I got a PS3 and after attempting to play Pro Evo online (which sucked) and then finishing COD4 I thought I'd play again.

I am a bit like Emile Heskey, and need 10 chances to score. Still, played 3 online games in total and won 2 and lost 1.
Think I might have to fire FIFA08 up tonight and get some practice in. Was quite good when i was playing it, but never ventured online. After playing in the Pro Evo cup on here I took a respectable pounding haha.

Still, it'll be a good laugh!
As it looks like this league will be starting soon I think I better use the spare evenings practicing. I am on most evenings from about 10.30 onwards, sometimes 11 (depending what time I get through the door). So if anyone wants to play some friendly games then add me to your friends list and send me an invite when I get online.

I can do with the practice, and no doubt some of you could do with a confidence boost before the season starts. Gamertag is in the sig.
my tag is Hencore same as my Username

With regards to the site.

How do we want to add scores. Both players email me the score or post in here and ill add them if they match. or one person goes to the site and adds it? both people adding it could cause problems.

Should have the basic table done tonight lads. Enough to get cracking with at least.
Check them from the league information screen within FIFA on LIVE? :)

Should result in less inaccuracy/hassle.
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