*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

I was just about to go on, but I doubt I'll be playing any league games as I have only got the 2 most elusive players left to play.

Squimmy and Riddler?

When everyone else has played as many of their games as possible. the next leagues may have a different figure to what we first thought they would have.

Do we reckon we could finish this league by Friday?

Away, Team A pull your fingers out and start communicating to get these games done, it really isn't hard. Use this thread, msn, email, xbox msg, just get them played. No point just going online and hoping for someone to turn up, you need start improvising and contacting them directly. I had to do it for people in the least league, I'm not doing it again.
Rundown of peoples games to play...I don't expect Riddler and Squimmy to be back but the others are active so start communicating please. :)

Riddler 12
Squimmy 10
Cookiem0nster 7
ScarySquirrel 6
Metalface 5
da_mic 4
fothsn 4
Cheets 4
Killswitcg 4
GandyCane 3
utajoker 3
Murney 3
Twinblade 3
Hencore 3
Simo 2
Lee87 2
Lucifurr 2
GamerTM 2
Anders0n 2
Hilly 1
Rumple 1
Kyle 1
Looking at the league I need 1 more point to secure at least 7th place. Twinblade I'll be on all night.

Also, the total games played thing is wrong, it should be half what it is currently.

Cheets points total is also wrong, should be 1 less than it is now.

Yeah I know cheets and aeT have incorrect stats, they will be corrected when they've played all thier games. I can't edit results just input them.
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