*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

You'll have to ask Andy.

Afaik, he was trying to decide between a US style Playoffs, mixing up the players in League A and B each season at random, or a simple Promotion/Relegation system.

I think we're going to go plan A, so two leagues again mate, we want the new leagues underway by the weekend.

We'll have to probably find a replacement for Riddler unfortunately. Maybe Fubsy could make a return??
lol squimmy. Do you want your table name updating?

Hilly as I posted above, I think we should leave your score as it is. League A should report completed when everyone has completed 12 games and a replacement should just be added to the next league.

I don't understand?

No offence to Hilly but he has an unfair advantage over the other players in his league. It's bad luck Riddler hasn't turned out to play but he shouldn't have 3 points over everyone else.

Sorry Hilly, I'm not targetting you but it's just not fair otherwise. The league will just consist of 13 players, and they will all play 12 games.

Then a replacement will be added to the "Championship" in the next league?
We would have given Riddler the beneift of the doubt if he'd communicated somehow on Live but he hasn't really with everyone, no one has heard anything from him. We want to get the next league started ASAP and even if Riddler could comitt to playing every night I doubt his opposition could.

Sorry mate.

On a happier note Fubsy will be included in the next league. Hencore can you make the necassary changes please.
No, because i got the win afterwards, as i checked on the scoreboard, he was still on there.

The best way to resolve it, like on other forums i play leagues on, is to have a % of games played by a certain date or you are booted. No extension, people know the rules then.

1 week - 30% 2 weeks 70% 3 weeks 100% etc, you quit or dont make them, you dont get in the next league, that idiot that quit at the start of the league by letting in 10 goals then going off in a strop shouldnt be allowed back in the next one, i for one wouldnt want to play him, if i beat him by a few goals, who knows what would happen. Its really not that hard to commit to playing in a league, you either commit and do it, or you dont commit and dont join.

I agree to some extent, but Fubsy had issues then I don't think he quit due to losing to a big scoreline. He was more comitted in the last league, he completed all his games quicker than anyone so he can be given a second chance as would Riddler.

Oh and Mark, you have the most games left apart from Squimmy :p
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