*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

Well Ateam is going up right now.

League Name: OcUK A League
Abbreviation: OcUKA
Password: realmen

Anyone who joins thats not supposed to be in my league will be booted so I have the PW up for all to see here, for now join up but lets not start until both leagues are up and filled. Friendlies are encouraged!
To join search for the abreviation as it is written here then enter the password and pick your designated team.

Just a quick one, might it be an idea to have a "Top Scorers" chart - it's easy to check which player scored after the game, and as we are all different teams, there may only be one or two duplicates (International sides me thinks.)

I would do this if Hencore is burdened with the league table.
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if any one is bored, i need 100x100 and 25x25 .pngs of all the offical team logos we are using so I can use them on the website. Transparent backgrounds if poss.

Any help would be much appreciated, even if you only send me one :D
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Can we also enforce a friendly rule of not watching your goal replay more than once unless it was spectacular, and not skipping opponents goal & near miss replays? Half the fun is watching that close attempt! :D
if any one is bored, i need 100x100 and 25x25 .pngs of all the team logos we are using so I can use them on the website. Transparent backgrounds if poss.

Any help would be much appreciated, even if you only send me one :D

Here's mine :)


Hencore, you up for doing the "Top Scorers" thing I mentioned, or would you rather I did it.

Thinking about it, I'd quite like to do it, but considering you have the league table, it'd be good to have it centralised.
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