*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

Aye, not sure what happened there, seem to be getting no luck in this league whatsoever, wtf was that first goal aboiut you scored.

The quicker this league is over for me, the better.

Up for more games if anyone wants a win.
Not furious just a little annoyed. My defenders just stood there as the ball came in and I couldn't select any of them, the game does it on purpose I swear.

This is the one game I wanted to win above all others, and I went and bloody lost it! :p

LOL, you couldn't of picked a better night to play me neither! I changed the formation at HT, 4-3-3 just doesn't cut it against the big boys in this league.

At least I showed some fighting spirit when behind, something I'm usually not very good at.
2 goals from pens and backpasses!
I don't like to play that way.

How about learning to tackle instead of hacking me constantly? Jesus you brought me down in the box and I was going no where, the 3rd goal was a fine play. What is this 'backpass' crap you speak of?

You constantly skip other peoples replays, yet love to watch your own. It really isn;t the way to behave.
i think they need to sort out keeper fouls, when he dieves in at you and doesnt get the ball but takes you out. its happened so many times to me.

Yeah, I remember when I was clean through with a player and the opposition took me out, the ref played play on as I had a player running through and he took the ball, the keeper ran out of his area and absolute took me out. No booking or anything!
Andybtsn 2 - 1 Squimmy

Good game mate, had 0-0 written all over it, it was a matter of who scored the first goal was going to win it really, luckily my shooting was decent. Only 6 shots in the whole game!
Andybtsn2 - 1 squimmy

I've now lost 2 matches to this cross I never knew existed. How did I not know about this before!

Good game, but again very frustrating. I had chances but failed to put them away. I think I pass too much in the box - I tend to waste good positions trying to make them better. Your crossing was top notch, and i have never before realised how effective crossing is. Almost all of the goals I have conceeded have been from some sort of cross.

I didn't do anything special with that first cross, although it was an absolute peach, I was waiting for the offside whistle though. I am genuinly decent with my crossing though, especially when I see attackers run into the box, it's a strong point in my game. Second one was just a lucky cross, Adriano is huge so easily can get headers in.

We both had 3 shots so chances were very limited really, can'y really pin point where you went wrong.

I was trying that LB+Cross tactic in a friendly earlier, I couldn't see anything different to it from a normal cross though.
I’ve only just checked the OP again and what’s the 1-5 Games per week business?

Am I okay to play a few I’m confused :D :D

They the minimum games to play. So you've played five since the tourny started so your fine, we just want the same old episode of people not playing their games to if they don't get their games played by the schedule on the OP they potentially can get kicked. Obviously if they let me or Rumple know why they can't play we can give them special treatment ;)
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