*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

League B
CHEETS 3 - 1 Timbrad

Very close game, the amount of headers you nearly scored Timbrad :o

Are you around for another game? I'm on at the moment if you want to get our game out the way

edit: What happened with the score on that game btw, FIFA is showing it as TimBrad 2-3 CHEETS :confused:
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The idea of random teams works well, ie: this, and the OcUk cup, but if you're gonna be in it for the long haul, then its much better to have a degree of control over your team, at a set star cap. The idea of Australia for long term is as much fun as being buried alive.
Well we kicked this off since we were having so much trouble nailing down what we were using, with the idea at the time that we would switch up the teams each league and keep things fresh. All this was mentioned before we began.
We chose not to use a real world model of a league as our base for the league so I don't see an issue with continuity when the promo/rele happens.
You still get the top tier and bottom tier forming and you can have a playoff cup to sort the best of the best.
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