*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

I wouldn't say that mate, you did well, 2 post hits so you deserved the goal, was imagining joypads flying round your room on the 2nd post hit :eek:

Really pleased with my defending there, trouble is, Australia play really well set to "attack" so the defenders seem to stay too far forward :(
I wouldn't say that mate, you did well, 2 post hits so you deserved the goal, was imagining joypads flying round your room on the 2nd post hit :eek:

Really pleased with my defending there, trouble is, Australia play really well set to "attack" so the defenders seem to stay too far forward :(

I hit myself in the leg a few times, no flying pads though.
Good game though :) managed to make the runs but got cut out at the last minute! very happy with ym throw in, to over the head chip, to another guys overhead kick cross and near shot :D
Was bored so worked out some stats on League B


That was up to this game http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=11192428&postcount=860
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ScarySquirrel 2 - 2 Lucifurr
League A

ScarySquurrel scorers K.Miller and L.McCulloch
Lucifurr scorers C.Ledesma and T.Rocchi

That was a good game, you really did desrve to win. Lazio are great with Free kicks. I like your first goal, very cheeky :)

Oh yeah, sorry about dropping out earlier. The game hung when loading.

No problems mate, I thought it might be that your game crashed.

GG :)

I won't be on tonight or tomorrow but up for a fair few games on Saturday morning and Saturday night :D
Wicked cheers Cheets! I’ve updated league B now.

If anyone can compile a list for A it would be much appreciated.

I’m just so busy at the minute lads, so apologises for not keeping the scoreboard up to date. ill definitely try and write a form to let u guys up date the scores.
It was me that got your badge Scary and being Scottish, I am rather embarrassed getting it wrong :o

I'll sort it later so Hencore can update the site :)
Just to summerize my games last night
:) Thanks to all ...

rv41 [Level 1] vs CHEETS [Level 1] 1 - 1 (final score)
Killswitch X360 [Level 1] vs rv41 [Level 1] 0 - 0 (final score)
AndyB 36CF [Level 19] vs rv41 [Level 1] 4 - 0 (final score)
Alex1982UK [Level 1] vs rv41 [Level 1] 3 - 4 (final score)
TimBrad [Level 1] vs rv41 [Level 1] 2 - 3 (final score)
rv41 [Level 1] vs Ander50n [Level 1] 0 - 2 (final score)
plazm1ck [Level 1] vs rv41 [Level 1] 0 - 0 (final score)
hehe that was an awsome game was laughing hy head of at some of the defending from both of us

You did scare the **** out of me though, I was happily discussing what I was doing with the wife and then you started talking in my ear. Was not expecting that one, your the only player so far to use their mic.

Was probably the most entertaining game I have played in. Got me my online hat-trick achievement too :D
Just checked the games I have left, and I need to play:


I will be around about 11pm tonight, and ideally would like to play atleast 3 games tonight, are any of you likely to be about?

If anyone in League 1 is about I will be more than willing to play some friendlies if your lot are thin on the ground (I need the practice).
any1 around now for some league A games or some friendlys from either league?

i still need to play

da mic 153
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