*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

Hi you lot, just got in from a ******* monster day at uni not in the best o moods so excuse me if my tone seems a bit growly,I NEED ALE!

1) Hate duplicate teams with a complete passion, with the ridiculous amount that are in the game I would have thought we could avoid that.
2) Don't really enjoy 5 star teams and mostly HAVE to play as them in the ranked mode so it becomes incredibly dull very fast.
3) Couple of leagues is a good idea for the relegation/promotion idea, I like this.
4) Don't think that deciding divisions based on the current league standings is good and would prefer if games played/conduct is taken into account.
5) A set time for the league to be completed would be good e.g. 4 weeks, after which the league standings are taken as done (points not FIFA's table) and the promotion/relegations are decided.
6) Ribbing people is allowed, if you can take your own faults on board as well.

I see I'm completely against the general consensus here but felt that the free for all team selection/duplicates for the first one was needed to drum up support. I can probs find a 'big' team to play this one but dunno if I will have the conviction to see it through, grinding against the same teams is a bit pants.

If I missed anything I should make a comment on point it out, I'm happy to provide my thoughts.
1) Hate duplicate teams with a complete passion, with the ridiculous amount that are in the game I would have thought we could avoid that.

I must admit i am agreeing with rump on this one. Just looking at the list on the first page:

Newcastle x 2
Man U x 4
Bayern Munich x 3
Liverpool x 3

Its going to get a bit boring playing the same teams over and over?
FFS All teams taken again! I'm up for it as ummm...tough choice, but will have to be Real Madrid!
EDIT- I also hate duplicate teams, since they have the same players and stats, so its just like a replay, really should be individual teams mate...I got dibs on real :D
Tbh, I don't fancy playing Man Utd as Man Utd 3 times really:/

If that's the case I'll probably end up choosing another team, England maybe :p

But then again I did choose them first!
1) Hate duplicate teams with a complete passion, with the ridiculous amount that are in the game I would have thought we could avoid that.

Well I'm all up for other ways to play each other but you have to keep the league fiun for players to play in. I have mentioend above if someone is a team they;ve never played with before and start losing they soon lose interest. Happns all the time.

2) Don't really enjoy 5 star teams and mostly HAVE to play as them in the ranked mode so it becomes incredibly dull very fast.

Would you like a star capping?

4) Don't think that deciding divisions based on the current league standings is good and would prefer if games played/conduct is taken into account.

I want two leagues setup exactly the same really. So we have all the overal numbers then split them randomley. I don't think anyone mentioned a league on current standings?
I find it sad if people haven't tried teams other than the 5 star uber ones,they should branch out a little. Random team selection is harsh as someone always ends up with a dud (Greece) but player choice with capping to at least 4 stars is good, imo variety makes things far more interesting.

The standings thing was a passing suggestion, although maybe they could be used as a team picking order/perk. :)
I kind of agree with RuMp3l4$k1n about the duplicate teams and 5* teams. I find it very boring playin with a 4-4.5* team against top teams, but its very enjoyable when they are similarly matched. Andy, you say that people lose interest by picking a team that they arent used to, but then also, people who dont enjoy playing the same team 3-4 times will lose interest, so you lose either way...:(
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