*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

Finally, no-one answered my last post on the subject, but do we have a cup competition? If yes, no, I am prepared to organise it, unless Fifa has a unique way of doing so itself.

There's no way of running a cup with the league within FIFA.

I'd wait for the league to finish then try organising something, or I can. Otherwise we could just have another league but introduce home and away games.
is there something that stops you playing the same team twice? later on in the season i may forget who ive played

Scroll to the right on the league table and either a '-' or '1' will be displayed. '-' means you've played them, '1' means your yet to play them.

I've never tried inviting someone to a league game who I've already played, I'm not sure if an error will occur or what? Would be good if someone could see what happens!
I'll be around most of tonight from 5:30ish for League B games that I haven't yet played :)

Andy, whats the plan when we split the Leagues into PremierShip & Championship? Same teams? Am I stuck with Austraalia for eternity? :eek: Still liking the idea of everyone as 1* with the new leagues, me and rumpy had a few matches with them last night and was fun (Although he heard me screaming in the 'quake!) :p

You keep the team yeah when the new leagues are created, thats promotion and relegation for ya :)

Your sitting comfortably in midtable now anyway!

Maybe we'll keep knocking it down a star for each league :)
I understood it as the players e.g us are the ones promoted or relegated not the teams, that way things always remain fresh and promotion will not always be based on having a good team but also player skill.

Nah that sucks, you get promoted with your team, you be with them. You wouldn't be saying that if you'd been winning!!
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I thought we'd be randomizing the teams again when we change the leagues about??

FC Nurnburg really are rubbish!!

But why? You get promoted/relegated with that team. I don't know why we should change. I suppose if people are gonna moan about their teams though we'll have to change it, just seems ridiculous in my eyes. People will say I'm only saying this as I'm doing alright but I'd honestly say the same otherwise.

We're all 4 star teams, people need to remember that ;)
I would much prefer to change teams with each league that is created to mix it up a bit rather than playing with the same team for 3 or 4 leagues on the trot.

They are all 4* yes but some teams do have stronger players/squads than others still.

The whole point with having the two leagues was to make up for not playing 19 games like last time. In theory it is just like on ebig league your playing.
Can someone do me a favour and find out who in this thread asked about this league but had to be turned down due to lack of space.. first then I'll ask them if they'd like to join League A.

I'll be on muhc later, currently suffering from a migraine. Slowly easing off though.
Put me down for the win any ways,

As **** as it is mate once someone has been removed from the league every win/loss you had against that said player gets taken off. So unfortunately you won't get the win. It kinda makes sense because if you get the win no one has the chance too.

Sorry, I know it's crap. can you edit your threads to save confusion when Hencore inputs the results later on?
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