Nildram ADSL Max - week 1 report...

27 Aug 2003
Day 1
Service went live. Initially I connected at 8Mb/s but was capped at 2Mb/s. During this time my noise margin was around 7db. My connection was stable.

Day 2
No noticable change in service. Synchronisation lost once or twice.

Day 3
Speeds were ramped up and I manage to get a transfer speed of about 400-500KB/s at 8Mb/s. Service stable for most of the day. After about 6 hours I noticed multiple loses of synchronisation and the connection speed progressively backing off. It stablised at 3.8Mb/s with 11db noise margin.

Day 4
3.8Mb/s with 11db noise margin. Transfer speeds of about 280-320KB/s. My connection is stable.

My line attenuation has remained constant at 30db.

Do you have any predictions how the testing will go over the next week?
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Well please dont tell me Nildram are no good now, I just placed an order for the £25.99 8meg service.

I'm sure nothing can be as bad as the EvolutionDSl broadband Im using at the mo. :rolleyes:
Jimbo said:
Well please dont tell me Nildram are no good now, I just placed an order for the £25.99 8meg service.

I'm sure nothing can be as bad as the EvolutionDSl broadband Im using at the mo. :rolleyes:
What does sync rate and line sync issues have to do with Nildram? Hell, it has very little to do with BT either - it's not BT's fault they can't defy physics.
Been on max-dsl for around a month now with nildram.
From the my controls page, line speed is 5696k, max stable rate is 5120k.
Router shows line synched at 6080K with line attenuation at 26db and noise margin at 12db.
Took the full 10 days for it to sort it's self out.
Had to change my router when the line got max'ed since the netopia router i originally had wouldnt hold synch. Had a Draytek vigor for a few days then got a Netgear DG834.
First few days was bad with line speed being worse than the old 2mb.
Now i get around 4.5mb so im not to bothered.

Im with Plusnet, just had my upgrade to ADSL Max

Past 4 days my stats have been (from my DG834G Router)

Connection Speed: Down 8128 kbs - Up 448 kbs
Line Attenuation: Down 18 db - Up 5db
Noise Margin: Down 12db - Up 25db

Ran a few speedtests on various sites, got roughly 784KB/s down and 43KB/s up.

Are these good stats (not sure sure myself on the noise margins etc)?
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Personal experience with Nildram has been that their sales department is great but the support is totally dreadful - lack of staff so long waits on phone, inexperienced staff and dont respond to any emails.

Wish i'd gone with someone else tbh.
malccy said:
Personal experience with Nildram has been that their sales department is great but the support is totally dreadful - lack of staff so long waits on phone, inexperienced staff and dont respond to any emails.

Wish i'd gone with someone else tbh.

The benefit of only having a 1 month contract ;)
Well i started on the 9th -so im 7 days in.

My router shows 8meg sync.
My stats show:
Line Attenuation 16
Noise Margin 11

First few days i got 2meg.
Then i got 4 meg.
Then 2 meg.
Then 3 meg.
Now 4 meg.

I hope it goes up, otherwise i might as well not have bothered.

Anyone know my chanceS!?
I also started on the 9th.

Internet Connection Status shows my connected speed as 8.1Mbps whereas the router UI displays 7.1Mbps :(

Bbmax measured 4.5Mbps earlier but is now indicating 1.4Mbps :eek:
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